The Game's Afoot (Part 1)

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(Frank's POV)

My day fucking sucked. I couldn't get out of the graveyard. All my hard work just to be shit on. Fuck fuck fuck.

The only slight bright side was that I wouldn't be punished alone. There was another demon, Ray, who was around my same level and had been caught by a higher level demon as well. We were to watch the same cemetery. So hey, at least I wouldn't be talking to myself all night.

(Gerard's POV)

(A/N I really enjoy supernatural so I took the opportunity to fit it into the fic a bit in this chapter so enjoy {hopefully})

I pretty much spent the rest of the day at Pete's house with everyone. It was nice to laugh and just be with other people... I have difficulty with that sometimes, but today was a good day.

"Alright, alright, alright ALRIGHT!" Brendon's voice slowly rose with every repeated word. "Is it dark enough to go yet or can we watch some more Supernatural?" He asked. Honestly I think he would have been happy with either answer.

We had gone through at least six episodes already, making our own commentary or just plain talking over it. It was fun.

"It's starting to get dark." Andy said looking outside. "Leave now and it'll be perfect lighting or lack thereof."

"What fun for you guys." Joe said with a roll of his eyes.

I laughed. I was so excited. It was an insane thing to do and we were doing it in the best possible place. Does it make me weird how epic I think this is?...

My thoughts quieted in enough time for me to hear Brendon and Pete shouting over their favorite ship on the show.


"HE'S IN LOVE WITH HUMANITY" Brendon whined like a teen girl. "My heart..."

Patrick was smiling at Pete & rolled his eyes with a smile. He made eye contact with me and just started giggling quietly. This wasn't the first (and certainly not the last) time Brendon and Pete had gotten extremely into a show. Sometimes when I was in a bad state of mind, Patrick would take videos of it send it to me to try and cheer me up.

"Patrick would know about the look." Pete said with a side glance over to Patrick and a smirk.

"Can we stop discussing the sex life of fictional characters? We're loosing travel time." I said eagerly. Fun as this was, my heart was already set on playing the game.

"G's right." Pete grinned. "I'll get the board."

(Frank's POV)

Ray was quiet. We'd been up on the surface for about an hour, just looking around the place. He hasn't spoken once. (Although neither had I but besides the point). I didn't even know why he was in punishment.

Just as I was about to ask, I heard noises. Human noises. I grinned widely and my eyes flashed black. First night and we already have some live ones.

I looked over at Ray. He nodded, his fro bobbing slightly behind the rest of his head.

Time to see what fun we would be having.

(Gerard's POV)

We finally arrived at the cemetery after quickly dropping Joe and Patrick off at my house since they refused to come.

"What killjoys..." Brendon joked with a laughing grin on his face.

It was just Pete, Brendon, Andy, and I looking onto the seemingly endless rows of stone tombs stuck into the ground.

"This is dope." Pete said with a lopsided grin. "Holy shit G, that brain of yours works in crazy ways."

"Let's get this started!" Brendon hurried over to the sealed fence to enter the cemetery & picked the lock with ease. "Easy peasy." He applauded himself & crept through the gate.

Pete, Andy, and I followed. Completely unaware of where this game would lead.

(Frank's POV)

I watched as a tall, skinny boy with a strangely large forehead slid the gate open. After him, I counted three others. Two with short black hair and one with a lighter colored hair, but not black.

"People here? At this hour?" Ray asked. First words I had heard him say.

"Our lucky day..." I smirked back at him, then turned back to the four now walking further into the cemetery. I hurried around a set of graves so I was just a row away from the group of four and crept along beside them. Ray followed along silently.

As demons, we had a unique ability to only be seen when we wanted...but I had heard of cases where some humans could see through that veil. I'd never had it happen to me though. Wonder if Ray had ever heard of it...

"Brendon! Slow down you little shit!" One of the two darker haired boys yell at the skinny boy in front.
"You should hurry your asses up." The Brendon boy replied casually back.

I let out a silent laugh. This group would be fun...

(Gerard's POV)

I followed behind Pete. The headstones varied constantly as we walked deeper and deeper into the cemetery. It gave me chills. (But the good kind, you know?)

"Nice creepy vibe here." Andy commented from behind me.

"Not scared are you?" Pete grinned back at him.

"Said creepy, not scary." Andy grinned.

I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder. I had the game. It felt like it was getting a bit heavier the more we walked. Or maybe I was just a bit out of shape? It had been awhile since I had joined a group kickball game...Either way, It was starting to hurt.

"Hey guys, wanna just play here?" I asked, already slipping the bag off my shoulder. We were pretty far into the rows of tombstones by now.

"Sounds goooooood." Brendon popped back to where we stood and pointed to my backpack. "Got it?"

"Yea." I eagerly pulled the old box out of the bag, "Ready to go."

I handed the game to Pete, but as he took it out of my hands, I noticed something off in the distance. Behind some tombs, I swore, I saw something. I looked in that direction for a minute, but he couldn't see any other movement.

"G?" Pete grabbed my arm and pulled me back to reality with a slight jump. "Ready to play?" He had the board already out of the box and sitting on the ground. Brendon and Andy were already fiddling with it, slapping each other's hands away from the game piece.

I grinned at Pete, already putting what I thought I had seen in the back of my mind. "Hell yea I am."

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