Something's Gotta Give

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(Gerard's POV)

It was well past midnight now. I was sitting against the wall next to Ray. I felt more comfortable next to him, seeing as demons didn't sleep and I really couldn't.


"What are we going to do?" Pete asked, "What can we do? There must be something!"

"I don't know!" I yelled. "This isn't exactly an everyday thing to deal with, Pete!" I sat on my bed to stop my pacing back and forth. I ran my fingers through my hair before putting my face in my hands. "I don't know!"

I heard nothing. I felt the bed indent next to me and a hand tapped my back.

"I'm not so good with words, outside of paper and shit but... You two have something. Something special. I feel like it's something that won't be given up easy. Wherever Frank is, I'm sure he's figuring it out."

I moved my hands to look at Pete. He gave me a reassuring smile.

"You haven't eaten all day...I'm going to call 'Trick and Bren, have them bring us a pizza cuz honestly pizza is the best comfort food and you need some comfort." He looked over at Ray off to the side of the room. "I don't know if you eat man, but you could totally have some too."

Ray laughed and gave a thumbs up.

Pete grinned, then looked back at me. "Just trust in how things will work out."
I smiled at Pete. He may not know it, but he helped so much.

He got up from the couch and got his phone back out to call Patrick and Brendon. I looked at my bedside clock.


No wonder Pete was concerned about our food. He was always on top of that sort of thing.

**back to the present**

Patrick and Brendon had come with the pizza at about 9:30. We had all eaten some pizza (even me but only because Pete threatened to have Brendon hold me down to be fed pepporonni). We also took some time to try and explain the situation we were having. Key word 'try'.

Brendon had been the first to fall asleep around 11:30, texting someone while loosely keeping track of our conversation, trying to avoid the possible terrifying matter at hand.

"Ten bucks it was Ryan..." Pete trailed off, Patrick's head leaning on his shoulder.

"I dunno..." Patrick said, his voice barely above a whisper. He was following Brendon's lead.

Pete knocked out about twenty minutes after that, his head down and his breathing steady. Now it was just Ray and I.

"How do you know when your fate is coming for you?" I asked, kicking the pizza box at my feet lightly.
Ray looked over at me.

"I have no idea, honestly." He said. "Doubt anyone really does...It just kind of happens."

I looked at the pizza box. So I had no upper hand to know what was coming for me, or when. Fantastic...

I sat next to Ray in silence until he spoke up quietly again.

"Frank's a rebel. He won't take this lying down, trust me." He laughed lightly, "Although, you probably know him better than me."

I smiled lightly at Ray's words. He had experienced something horrible, but he was still here trying to make me feel better.

The thoughts in my head were being pushed off with worry while those thoughts were now being filled with encouragement.

I turned back to Ray, but something was wrong. His eyes were filled in black and his face looked as if he was on the receiving end of new information.

"I can be there in an instant." He said with a grin. Before I could even ask, he dissolved into smoke, as I had seen Frank do dozens of times.

"Ray!" I yelled as I watched him leave without explanation. "Ray!"

(Frank's POV)

Time works different in hell...Or maybe it's just when you're away from that person that makes your world whole. Either way, the in and out with the beatings they served me was taking its toll. I was cowering now, on the side of this rounded cage.

I just wanted to be with G. I just wanted to have his presence next to me.

"I DONT WANT THIS!" I screamed out, pulling against my restraints and feeling their sting against my wrists. "I just want G..." I choked on my words. "I want him okay..."

I was laying still, building up to tugging against my restraints again, when I heard the squeak of the door.

"Fuck off!" I spat in the direction of the door, scooting back along the wall.

"Well, that's just a bit rude." I stopped moving at the sound of the voice that carried through the cage. It wasn't...

Ray walked around the door with a grin on his face. "Expecting someone else?" He asked, hurrying in.

"Ray!" I exclaimed as he ran behind me to release my bonds, "Wait, how did you-"

"The shadow." Ray snapped my bonds and I spun around to him.


"The shadow! You heard me!" Ray repeated, "It, like, I don't know how to explain it at all. It showed me where you were and the help you needed." He held up a small skeleton key.

I looked between him and it, amazed. 'Please'. it wasn't just repeating, the shadow had understood. It was trying to help.

"Can we save G?" I asked.

"We have to go to the shadow." Ray said, "It didn't fill me in on that part."

He helped me to my feet and ushered me to follow.

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