The More You Know

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(Frank's POV)

The sky was brightening. G had slept off an on through the whole night, occasionally snapping his eyes open for a few seconds before leaning back onto me. I had adjusted so his head was on my shoulder now. I smiled, looking at his sleeping face. It was so calm. So peaceful.

His head rolled off my shoulder a bit and I kissed his cheek. I saw him smile in his sleep and I laughed.
I looked around the cemetery. Ray hadn't passed by once all night. (Which is good cuz that might have been awkward at some points.)

I let out a deep breath of air. That feeling G gave me...It felt like what Ray had described...But it couldn't be. He was just some human, how could I be in-

"Frank?.." I turned to G and saw him opening his eyes sleepily.

"Hey sleeping beauty." I smiled at him. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. "Still cemetery." I confirmed for him.

He nodded and looked at the ground. I reached behind me and pulled out his notebook.

"I've got you." I said with a laugh.

G smiled. "Thank you..." He said in his groggy morning voice. I bit my lip and continued to smile.

We just kind of sat there for a bit. It couldn't of been long after 6 or 7AM, but no one had a clock. G was more concerned about time than I ever would be. Demons have all the time in the world.

"Never thought I'd spend a whole night here." G finally spoke up. "At least not 'till I was dead..."

"Well, now you can say you have." I took his hand and squeezed, not liking the implications of his last few words. I stood and pulled him up, trying to forget it. Forget how G was mortal. Forget how he had a whole life to live while mine was cut off a long time ago...

"Frank?" G's voice made me forget my sad train of thought.

"Can I walk you?" I asked, completely randomly (smooth Frank). "I mean...I doubt you want to stay here you know..."

G just smiled at me and squeezed my hand. "I'd like that." G said, looking at our hands.

I started walking, and G stayed right by my side.

(Gerard's POV)

Frank's hand felt right in mine. As we left the cemetery I couldn't help but feel happiness blossoming in my chest. This was impossible. Someone that cared about me more than a friend. He was like the Dean to my Cas if I had to choose a way to describe it. I was just comfortable around this...Demon. So we were kind of the exact opposite of Dean and Cas...but still.

"Your eyes..." I blurted out randomly, "their color is always different.
Frank smiled and flashed his eyes black. "These are my demon eyes. A bit mandatory when you're a demon and all." His eyes flashed back to their normal swirl of colors. "These are my death eyes, or that's what we call them at least. They're the eye color you were born with as a human."

"But why in Pete were your eyes yellow?"

"Ah, that." Frank nodded, "black eyes don't shine well through humans. They can look red or yellow or white." He grinned widely, "So they were really yellow?" He asked eagerly.

I laughed. His excitement translated through him like a child at Christmas. "Yes Frank."

He walked with what felt like more pride next to me.

(Pete's POV)

We were up all night watching TV. Mostly supernatural. Okay all supernatural. We blew through a whole season.

"Okay, I need more of this in my life." Brendon sighed as we reached the limit of the Netflix supernatural supply.

"Give it a few months." Patrick said, laying upside down on the bed while fiddling with his phone.

"What are we supposed to do until then!" Brendon whined with a fake pout.

"We could go see how G's doing." I suggested.

"Can we?" Brendon perked up.

"It's 7:30, have fun trying to wake him up." Patrick yawned.

"Have some faith in us 'Trick." I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

I looked over at Joe and Andy. They were asleep on the couch, leaning on each other.

"Me and the Urie?" I asked, turning back to Patrick, "So you can watch that adorable pair?"

Patrick peeked over at Joe and Andy with a giggle. "Sounds good."

I hit Brendon in the back of the head and got up. Let's go see what G was up to.

(Frank's POV)

I was enjoying being with G more than I had ever enjoyed anything. He made me feel. That's it. I couldn't describe the rest. It was undescribable. He was undescribable. I squeezed his hand slightly.
He looked down at our hands and smiled.

(Gerard's POV)

We barely knew each other, this was madness, but at the same time...It was like nothing I had ever known.
We walked slowly together, taking twice the time I had taken to go to him. When we finally reached my house, I pulled Frank to my bedroom window.

"I prefer this door..." I told him, popping it open. I slipped inside & Frank hopped in after me.

"Sneaky, aren't you?" Frank sat on my bed and tilted his head.

"I can try." I smiled with a small laugh, sitting next to him.

I was leaned in to kiss him, but there was a noise on my window. I turned and saw Pete and Brendon at the window, looking right at Frank and I.


I looked at Frank, unsure what to do.

"Play it cool." Frank whispered.

I nodded and got up off the bed to open the window.

"We're not interrupting are we?" Pete asked, a bit embarrassed.

"No! It's fine." I said, trying to play it cool. "C'mon in."

Brendon jumped in, followed by Pete. Frank smiled politely at the two.

"Guys, this is Frank." I introduced them.

"Brendon." Frank smiled and shook his hand.

"Pete." Frank smiled and shook his hand, but Pete's face fell as soon as their hands made contact.

"I know you." Pete stated. "You..." Pete's eyes filled with realization. "You."
Frank shot me a look, confused at what to do.

"Pete, please." I spoke up, "Let me explain."

"You were in my head." Pete confronted Frank with confusion. "I can kind of remember you..."

"What the fuck is happening?" Brendon asked confused, looking between Pete, Frank, and I.

"You're not wrong." Frank said, looking straight at Pete. "I may have gotten over excited. I may have taken an opportunity to jump the gun to experience life again."

Pete was silent, listening to Frank.

"You could of at least asked." Pete finally said.

"You could of at least hid some of those kinky bits in your head."

"That's what you get for coming in without asking."

"Wait a minute." Brendon was starting to catch on to the context of the conversation.

"Not fucking with Gerard are you?" Pete asked.

"Define fucking?" Frank asked in a mischievous tone.

"Oh sweet lord." Brendon covered his mouth to keep from talking more.

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