Not Quite Right

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(Frank's POV)

Definitely took a minute to figure out how to make Pete move when his willpower wanted me out. Although he wasn't conscious, a small part of him kind of knew what was happening and fighting me.

"Ooooh no." I grinned, easily suppressing him, "You can come back out after I get some time with G..."

I began walking towards the cemetery exit. I felt a rush. Messing with humans again! My specialty, I still got it. It felt so good, even being in such a low punishment, to have a little fun.

I left the cemetery and just outside of the gates I could see the car that's Pete's brain identified as his own. I quickened my pace just a bit, but slowed when I got near the door.
G was there. He was asleep? I looked st him through the window. His face had slight concern drawn over it, even through the veil of sleep. His hair was messy and sticking everywhere, and he was still in the same clothes from the night before.

That weird feeling was back. As I looked at him I just couldn't help but feel...something?

I shook it off. I couldn't just stand out here till he woke up. I opened the car door and hopped inside.

(Gerard's POV)

I must have fallen asleep waiting for Pete. I was standing in darkness, complete darkness. I called out for help, but there was no one there.

"FUCKING HELP ME!" I cried out, desperate for anything. I'd rather anything than this, even that thing from the cemetery that kept me up throughout the night.


I could hear someone calling out to me. I turned in a full circle, but it was still only darkness. I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

"Yo, G!"

I shot up, breathing heavy. I was still in Pete's car. It wasn't dark, the daylight was bright and shining. I looked over at the drivers seat and there was Pete, holding my bag in his lap.

"Hey, you okay?" Pete asked with a tilted head.

I nodded my head & tried to calm down my breathing. Pete grinned and held up my bag.

"Told you it'd be quick." He said handing it to me.

I eagerly grabbed it and looked inside. Everything was there, I could finally relax. "Thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed. I sighed in relief, "I'm sorry I couldn't go I just..." I shook my head and looked down.

"It's alright..." Pete said, still looking at me with a slightly tilted head. "I mean, what are friends for?"

I smiled at Pete and looked back down at my bag.

(Frank's POV)

I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help it. He was so...I couldn't explain.
He looked back up from the bag and caught me staring. "Something wrong?"

"No! No." I said, turning my attention to the wheel of the car. I turned the key and started it up.

"Energy drink already wearing off?" G asked with a laugh.

"Must be it." I laughed nervously back.

G opened up one of his notebooks and began examining some of the drawings.

"Damn you're good." I said, trying to keep my eyes on the road and not on him, using Pete's memories as a guide.

"Hmm?" G looked up at me.

"You're drawings." I commented, "they're wicked."

G smiled and looked back down at them. "Thanks man...I mean they could use a little bit of touch up work, but thanks..."

He was so wrong. They were perfect. They were amazing. They were indescribable. I just wanted to tell him, but something held me back.
Not too long later, we were back at G's house. First day and was already over to his house. I liked the speed this was going.

I got out and followed G up the path and inside. I followed both G and some of Pete's memories of the home's layout to navigate to the living room.

(Gerard's POV)

Pete and I walked into the room to see Patrick sitting up on the couch and Brendon, for some reason, back to sitting on the coffee table. Andy and Joe were nowhere to be seen.

"Joe had to go home & Andy's mom gave them both a ride." Patrick explained, seeing the confusion on my face.

I nodded and went over to the chair as Patrick got up and went over to Pete.

"Hey!" Patrick smiled, wrapping Pete in a hug. Pete jumped a bit, like he wasn't expecting affection from Patrick. He held his arms out for a minute before returning the hug. Patrick pulled away and gave him a strange look. Pete smiled sheepishly and slipped over to the couch.
That was weird...

"So where'd you boys head off to?" Patrick asked, trying to shake off what just happened, "I was still kinda asleep when Pete told me."

"My backpack was still at the cemetery and Pete offered to take me to get it." I said, holding up my backpack.

"Holy smokes! You forgot your bag? You really were spooked last night." Patrick sat down next to Pete and scooted close.

Usually in this instance, Pete would smile or wrap his arm around Patrick, but he only sat still as if he were uninterested.

"What's up with the stone shoulder bro?" Brendon asked from the table. Even he noticed Pete's odd behavior.

(Frank's POV)

Everyone was noticing Pete not acting like Pete. Shit. His brain didn't give me a clear picture of how he did act.

"I-uh..." I was sweating. I wasn't prepared for this shit, I just wanted to see more of G. I picked the wrong host to do it in. Everyone was staring at me (him).

"Pete?" The guy (Patrick?) Sitting next to me asked softly. He reached out to me, but I jumped to my feet.

"This'll be more fun." I said out loud. I flashed my demon eyes through Pete and grinned darkly.

Patrick's eyes grew wide and G cried out in fear. The Brendon kid fell off the table.

I opened my (Pete's) mouth and let myself out through another whisp of smoke. (This possession stuff was not as neat as you'd think). I began to loose sight of the room, but G's terror still rang out in my mind. I fully vanished from Pete and made my way back to the cemetery with only new questions and feelings in my mind.

(Gerard's POV)

We all watched in horror as black smoke flew out of Pete's mouth and nose for a good ten seconds. When the smoke finished pouring out of him, he stood swaying for just a moment. A moment before, his eyes had turned a bright yellow, but they were fading back to their original color. Although, not before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell to the floor.

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