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(Pete's POV)

I spent the whole day in bed with Patrick. Might have kept it up throughout the night if my phone hadn't of started to buzz from group chat messages

Yo Pete! How's it shakin my main bacon?~Bendito

What is Pete the only one you care to talk to Brendon? I thought we had something ~Hurley

Baby you know~Brendito

Hey! I don't see him dealing with your drummer boy ass at 3am ;)~JTroh

Boys, boys, please. There is enough Urie to go around~Brendito

I laughed and showed Patrick.

"That's why I turned off notifications for it." Patrick laughed, stretching. I turned back to the group chat and typed in a message

Woah, what kind of kinky thing did I just tune into?~Wentz

I have no idea...wanna join?~Brendito

As soon as you change your name to something other than "Brendito"~Wentz


I laughed and turned back to Patrick. "You wanna invite them over? Or would you rather..." I buried my face in his neck to hear him giggle.

"Petey!" He pushed me away playfully. His cheeks were pink and his smile playful from laughter. His laughter calmed and he grabbed my phone from me.

"Hey!" I laughed.
Patrick had the quickest fingers in the west, I swear to god, because seconds later he handed my phone back and a message had been sent out.

I dunno. We could always take this to Pete's mom's sex dungeon? ~Pattycakes


Over in a bit >:)~Hurley

I'm with drummer boy~JTroh

"PATRICK!" I yelled as he laughed and jumped out of the bed.

"YOU'RE MOTHER'S A VERY LOVELY PERSON!" He exclaimed as he ran out of my room.

"You're literally the only human that can get away with that!" I laughed, getting out of bed and chasing after him.

(Gerard's POV)

I woke up for a moment, leaning against the tree. I groggily looked over to where I could feel a presence next to me.

Frank was curled up, his head against my shoulder. He looked so tiny. I smiled sleepily and rolled my head to my other side. It was night. Who knew what time. I honestly didn't care...
Mikey might. I hadn't told him where I was going (if he even noticed my absence). I felt around my pants pocket for my phone.
Not there?..Oh, I had thrown it when I was at home... Oh well.

I'd deal with that later...My eyelids were already growing heavy again. I lead my head roll to my left, lightly resting on Frank's head.

(Frank's POV)

I felt G moving around for about a minute, then his head rest on top of mine. I smiled and laughed silently. He was adorable.
Demons didn't need sleep. We didn't need to recharge the same way humans did. I'm kind of glad. It gave me more time with G. It let me get a better glimpse of this strange little Human's soul...

"Breathtaking..." I whispered out loud to myself.

His soul was unlike anything I had ever heard of. It was completely unique in every way. From how it shined, to all it's little cracks and faults...Never had I seen one more beautiful...

"You're unlike any other G." I whispered as he slept. "I'm so glad you were stupid enough to play your game here..."

(Pete's POV)

The others had shown up in no time, happy and extremely energetic for night time.

"Yo!" Brendon pulled me off to the side for a second as Patrick talked to Andy and Joe, "You alright man? After..." He shrugged.

I nodded. "Yea man! I'm good. It's fine..." I patted his shoulder & he pulled me in for a hug.

"You better be." He said, letting me go. He grinned and hurried over to the others.

I shook my head and laughed, following him.
We all eventually drifted into my room as usual. We were bullshiting for awhile before I turned to Patrick, who was on his phone and quiet.

"What's wrong 'Trick?" I asked, rubbing my hand on his knee.

He looked up and frowned. "G hasn't opened any of my messages since yesterday."

"He's been out of it." Brendon pipped up. "After we brought Pete home he was shaking then would hardly talk after he told me what he thought happened."

I frowned. Gerard had his bad days, we all did, but usually he'd send out something by now...

"What'd he think happen?" Joe asked. Brendon or Patrick must have filled Joe and Andy in.

"Demon." Brendon said seriously. The only time I had ever seen him serious. "I did some research... And it checks out."

"That's what you fuckers get for playing with that shit!" Joe exclaimed. He hit Andy's arm with the back of his hand, "You're lucky you didn't get anything stuck to you."

"Superstitious one aren't you?" Andy teased with a smile.

"He still blames himself, doesn't he?" I asked quietly while Andy, Joe, and Brendon started arguing loudly amongst themselves.
Patrick looked at me sadly. That look that said yes. I ran my hand through my hair.

"Maybe we should go check on him." I whispered.

"Maybe he's just sleeping." Patrick whispered back, resting his head in my chest. "It is late." He mumbled into my chest, tickling.

"How did he miss our lovely little group chat?" Brendon asked in an amazed tone.

"Sleeping probably." I repeated Patrick's theory.

"We should go wake 'im up." Brendon popped up from the couch.

"Maybe tomorrow." Patrick brought his face away from my chest. "Just give him some time to be with G."

"Aw yea you mean-" Brendon made a hand motion that made Patrick turn a deep shade of pink and the rest of us burst out laughing.

"Tomorrow morning!" I laughed. "Why don't we go for some more Supernatural right now?"



(I never knew Patrick's face could get so pink)

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