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{A/N~Hey guys! If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! I honestly didn't expect to be writing a fic after just creating an account to better read someone else's, but an idea popped into my head & I wanted to execute it. So I just wanted to say thank you!! Okay this was long, back to the story!}

(Frank's POV)

It was a bit after the other's in G's group ran out that Ray found me. He offered his hand and helped me to my feet.

The pain was still in my side, but not as bad as before. I let out a pain filled laugh as I muttered a thanks to Ray.

"Is that what got you here?" Ray asked, "sympathy for the living?"

"What?" It took a second for what Ray said to register, then I just laughed. "Sympathy? For them? Why would I give my sympathy to a lesser race of beings that are stupid enough to play demon games in a graveyard?" I laughed again. Although, in the back of my mind, it felt like I was lying...

Ray just looked a bit sad and nodded.

I avoided looking at him and went back deeper into the cemetery. What was with this G guy? Why couldn't I let him get lost? I loved fucking with humans, I don't understand why I helped him...

Pretty soon I reached the spot they had set up to play the game. One of them had taken the board before he ran. The dirt was still set in the rectangular shape from where it was set. I spun around, but stopped abruptly when I noticed something still on the ground.

Well well well...I grinned.
Looks like that would be the last time I saw G...

(Gerard's POV)

I was right about more nightmares. I was jolted awake constantly throughout what was left of the night. I just kept seeing that...whatever it was from the cemetery.

About the fifth time it happened, I wanted to scream. The only restraint I had was that everyone else would be woken up...

It was 3am now. Brendon had fallen off the coffee table sometime between the last time and this time I woke up. His feet were sticking up, still caught on the table, but the rest of him was lying on the ground. Joe and Andy were still in the same positions as when they first fell asleep. They took their sleep seriously. Pete and Patrick were knocked out on the couch. Pete was sitting on the end with his arm wrapped around Patrick protectively. Patrick was lying across the couch with his head rested on Pete's chest and his arm wrapped around Pete's waist.

I grabbed at my hair and tugged, suppressing a scream. 3am. Barely any sleep. I was so freaked out, but I shouldn't be. I thought this shit was cool. Why couldn't my brain accept that instead of fear that?

"Fuck..." I muttered under my breath. I didn't want to sleep again. I couldn't.

I got up out of the chair and rubbed my eyes. When I couldn't sleep, I drew. So that's what I was going to do.

I managed to escape the room without stepping on anyone and crept into my room.

"Where's my backpack?..." I asked myself outloud. It had a lot of unfinished stuff in it that I could probably work on.

It wasn't at the end of my bed...Or under it...Or (after checking as quietly as I could) in the living room. I was starting to feel a bit of panic. I didn't like not knowing where my notebooks were...I picked my brain trying to remember where I last had it.

I went to Pete's... Then we dropped off Patrick and Joe...Then...

My heart sunk. I had taken the game in it. I had set it down on the ground to take the game out. I didn't grab it before I ran.
It was still in the fucking cemetery.

(Frank's POV)

This G kid was even MORE interesting than I first thought. I lifted up the backpack he had worn when he first came in. It was a worn out old thing with a drawstring under a snapping flap over the main compartment. I opened it up and found notebooks. At least three of them along with multiple pencils and pens scattered along the bottom.

"Kid draws..." I said lowly, flipping through one of his notebooks. Drawing wasn't anything compared to the complex characters and drawings I saw in his notebook. "What a strange little human you are, G..." I said, tilting my head with a smile as I looked over each drawing.

They had nothing near this interesting in hell.

"That the stuff of the one that saw you?" Ray asked. He had walked up silently & caused me to jump a bit.

"Yea..." I said closing the notebook. I slipped it back into the bag and closed the flap, just noticing the name scribbled across it. "Gerard." I laughed. Never heard that one before.

"What are you gunna do with it?" Ray asked. He sat down on the ground next to me.

I tilted my head looking at the backpack. "Wait for G to get back..." I said absently. I felt weird. I couldn't explain it...

Ray looked at me. "What are you here for?" He asked.

"Hmm?..oh..." I shook my head, trying to clear away this strange feeling I had. "I was talking back to a higher level..."

Ray laughed, "I can see that from you."

I laughed too. "Just not good with authority..."

We sat in silence for a while before I sighed.

"Think this is the end of the excitement here..."
Ray nodded and stood.

"Hey, Ray." I was still looking at Gerard's backpack, but Ray's question had brought the same one to my mind. "Why are you here?" I looked up at him. He had that sad look again. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it again.

"Baby steps Frank." He finally said, "I'll tell you..." He nodded and walked off silently.

I looked back down at the backpack. "This game's become quite a mystery..." I whispered, still trying to comprehend all of what was happening in my head.

Graveyard Games (Frerard) ~Editing~Where stories live. Discover now