Yea, That Happened

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(Gerard's POV)

I woke up with a start. Was it a dream?.. I felt a presence in the bed next to me that told me otherwise.
Holy shit. (Or kinda the exact opposite)
How did that happen? It was in the heat of the moment... But it's not like it wasn't enjoyable. I looked at the clock next to me.


I had slept through the whole night after...well...not sleeping. I couldn't remember the last night I had slept as soundly as last night.

Although I could have slept longer...

"You slept awhile." Frank's teasing voice drifted over. I rolled over to see him proped up on one of my pillows. He was smiling, still looking me up and down.

"What?" I laughed nervously, my eyes flashing to his bare chest and tattoos running along his arms.

"You." He said simply, "I've never seen such an interesting soul."

He sat up and stretched. "You've got me hooked."

I looked up at him confused. I still had my earlier questions burning in my mind, but spending the night with Frank had brought up so many more...

"Where do we start?.." I asked quietly.

"How 'bout..." Frank leaned down and placed his lips gently on mine. Very contradictory to last night, he was now acting as if I was a fragile object. Careful not to break me.

He pulled away, but the lingering presence of his touch made my lips tingle.

"Why?" I asked. He tilted his head at me. "All that shit before..."

Frank looked down. "Ah...yea. That." He looked past me, then right at me. "I just had to see you. You...amazing little human you..."

"Little?" I laughed. He was at least a head shorter than me.

"Figure of speech!" He replied, slightly heated.

I couldn't help but smile. How'd he do that? This not even human little man. My little demon graveyard watcher.

"You-you have to tell me." I said, trying to think clearly, "Frank, please."
Frank began to speak when there was a pounding on my door. "Gerard!" Mikey's voice shouted through the door.

Damn it Mikey, not now.

"Tonight." Frank said. He turned my head and held my chin lightly. "Meet me at the cemetery. No games, no tricks, I promise." He leaned in for a quick peck of the lips then flashed his eyes black.

He disappeared in his ripples of black smoke.

"Gerard!" Mikey yelled through the door again, "I know you're in there! I heard you talking."

I groaned. I made sure Frank had completely vanished before I threw my blanket off and grabbed a pair of boxers and a tee shirt up off the floor. I threw them on and opened the door.

"What?" I asked with slight irritation in my tone.

"Who were you talking to cranky?" Mikey pestered.

"Phone call." I shrugged.

"I heard another voice."

"It's this new technology called a speaker phone. Ever heard of it?"

"Alright, alright! Chill Gerard." Mikey rolled his eyes. "How's Pete?"

I felt the guilt rushing back. "He's good, Mikey. Woke up and moving, already back home." I looked at him and smiled weakly.

"Good." Mikey smiled. "You idiots should stay off the tables."

"Tables? Oh yea!" I nodded, remembering Brendon's cover story.

Mikey rolled his eyes again and walked away. I shut my door and took in a deep breath.

Well...this was definitely a very interesting few days...

(Frank's POV)

I landed in the cemetery in hardly any time. I dusted off some dust and straightened my shirt.

"Hey Ray!" I yelled out to the tombs. "Anybody home?"
I turned around to find no one. Weird. Somehow I was good at catching Ray on his rounds.

I walked down a row of gravestones, but stopped. I could hear voices. Ray's and someone else. A deep male voice. It sounded like an argument.

"Don't test me Toro!" The male voice threatened, "You think I can't speed up the execution date for that pretty little girl of yours? Because I can and will."

"You stay away from her!" Ray yelled.

"Then tell me where the other one went!" The male voice yelled back.

"Looking for lil ol' me?" I hollered out. I felt a rush of air blow past me. I turned and saw a tall, bald man and Ray. Ray was busted up. He had been cut above his eye and his lip was bleeding. He was struggling to stand, but still managing.

"Iero." The bald man smiled darkly.

"Prefer Frank." I said, tilting my head to look at him. "And you are?"

"None of your business." The bald man said, keeping his grin. He flashed blackness in his eyes.

Of course it was a higher up. What dicks.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" I gasped, pretending to be amazed.

"Cut the bullshit Iero." The bald demon snapped. "Why weren't you at your post?"

Ah. He was just a babysitter.

"I was." I said simply.

"Why didn't you come when I called?"

"Maybe I was taking a piss."

The bald demon's eyes flashed with rage. I just smiled back. He couldn't prove I wasn't here, and he knew it.

"You're lucky." He spat. He began to walk in the direction of the cemetery's exit, but stopped. "Still have yet to learn your lesson."

There was then a bright light before he vanished.
Always had to be flashy these higher ups.

Ray fell to one knee. I ran over and threw his arm over my shoulder, lifting him back up. He muttered thanks and held on as I walked him to a nearby tombstone. He cringed a bit as I helped him down.

"What'd that bastard do to ya?" I asked.

"Just the usual information rough up." Ray laughed, "Nothing to be concerned with. But they're starting to check on us Frank." Ray frowned, "That means if they get suspicious, they're going to start tracking."

Fuck. Just when things were looking up, I looked down.
Demons are dicks.

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