The Mission

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(Frank's POV)

I was getting bored of hell. I hadn't been out on a soul mission in ages.
Mainly due to the fact that I nearly exposed myself to a larger group of humans than intended that but that's not important.

There's a special place you go down here to get missions, and that was where one of the oldest demonic creatures resided. The shadow. (We had no other name for him. If he had another name, he never shared it with anyone) he was simply a shadow creature just a very old one. Possibly the oldest. But I really didn't give a shit. I wanted my mission.

I walked casually down the dark caverns that lead down to the shadow. Once I was there, it already knew.

"Iero." A shadowy figure turned to me as I entered a small cave with walls lined with various papers & parchment.

"I prefer Frank." I replied, flashing my black eyes for the figure. I jumped onto a ledge dug into the wall centuries ago & turned back to the shadowy figure. "Any new jobs up top?"

The shadowy figure turned its back to me and looked at the many stacks of paper behind him.

Never was one for conversation.

"Hey Shadow." I called again from where I was perched. "You may have forever but I don't. I have an age-"

"You should have respect for those elders only trying to aid in your mission. Someone said from outside the room. I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and my heart nearly sank. It was a high up demon. A much more powerful demon than I. Fuck.

I jumped off the ledge I perched on and stood straight. It was never a good thing to attract the attention of a higher up demon, it usually only ever ended bad.

The demon walked over and stood right in front of me. He had slicked back dark hair, the usual black eyes, and an extremely large, pointed nose.

"Who are you, little hell soldier?" He asked lowly.

"Frank." I said plainly, with a hint of a smile on my face. His nose was absolutely ridiculous. It took away from his intimidation.

"Frank what?" The demon hissed, clearly irritated.
Before I could reply, good ol' shadow stepped in.

"Iero." It said plainly in its empty, husky voice. It held out an old piece of parchment to me. My mission. I reached for it, but the demon snatched it before I could.

"Iero...Playing with the big boys, are we?" The demon smirked, in obvious reference to my height.

"Couldn't sniff that one out earlier, hu?" I smirked in defience.

Big mistake.

"Well Iero, I won't have to because as of now, this," he held up my mission, "doesn't apply to you." He crumbled the mission before my eyes, smiling at the obvious defeat on my face. "As of now, you're on graveyard duty."

"WHAT!?" I felt my fists clench at my side.

Graveyard duty was for children. It was a game. Most souls in a graveyard have already had claim, with something ready to collect. I was being demoted after all the work I put into everything.

"Learn your manners and clean your ears boy." The higher up demon said, leaning down in my face. "You start tonight."

Gerard's POV

My alarm was playing some kind of music, but I didn't bother with it. It was summer vacation, who gave a shit about waking up?

I had a pillow set over my face to further avoid the problem, so I was unprepared for my brother, Mikey, storming into my room.

"Gerard!" I heard him slam my alarm into silence, "God's sakes turn off your alarm feature if you're just going to ignore it!"

He lifted my pillow and slammed it against my head.
"Asshole!" I muttered into the pillow as he left the room. I continued to lay with the pillow over my head for a few more minutes before throwing it off. I looked at my alarm clock. 11am. I could of slept later...

I picked my cell phone up off the bedside counter to check my messages. I had one from my friend Pete.

Hey Gerard! Text me when you're up, got something cool to show you~Wentz

I rubbed my eye & began to reply back.

Well good morning to you too.~G

I threw my phone to the side of the bed & slowly began to roll off the side. I was digging under the bed for some pants to replace my batman pajama with when Pete texted me back

Good morning. Now get your ass over to my house! Got something cool!~Wentz

"Fine..." I said outloud to no one. I finally found some pants & switched them out, throwing the batman on the bed. I looked at the black batman shirt I slept in. Still good.

Seemed like a good enough start to the day. Now to see what was so cool at Pete's.

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