It's Not Too Late

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(Frank's POV)

I follows Ray down those caverns I had roamed for centuries.

"You sure it was the shadow?" I asked quietly as we snuck on.

"Yes! It was it's voice!" Ray insisted.

We finally reached it's cave and stopped at the entrance. It was looking out as if already expecting us.

"Iero." It spoke in it's raspy voice, "Toro." It seemed to usher us in.

We entered the cave and it walked past us. We watched as it put it's hand on the wall near the entrance and it magically sealed shut.

"Woah!.." Ray and I both jumped back. The shadow just turned and went to its mountains of papers. We stood quietly as it dug in a low pile, eventually pulling out an older looking scroll.

"Iero." It held the scroll up to me. I hesitated before grabbing it. I opened it and saw only a blank paper. I turned it over, confused, to find it still blank.

"I don't understand." I said, flipping the paper again. There was nothing there. What good was this? How would it help-

"Ger-ard" the shadow pointed at the paper.

"But it's blank." I responded, still confused to all hell, "I don't understand-"

"Ger-ard." It pointed again, "Fate."

"But he's been marked." Ray spoke up, "It should have something on it..."

"What does a blank fate mean?" I questioned the shadow.

This didn't make sense. We had all seen marked souls before, that's what our missions were. We collected sealed fates and stored their marked souls here.
The shadow turned away, then back with a crumpled piece of parchment.

It was my mission that the higher up had crumpled. But why did the shadow hold onto it?

"Iero! Ger-ard!" The shadow insisted, holding out the crumpled mission to me.
I took it and opened it slowly. This paper had the writing I was used to seeing come from the shadow. As I read it, I couldn't believe what was right before my eyes.

(Gerard's POV)

My yelling out at Ray caused the others to wake with a start. (By that I mean Brendon fell off my bed and Patrick accidentally hit Pete in the balls because of the close proximity his hand had been on Pete's lap.)
Brendon popped up with his hair in a wild mess while Pete fell over to the side.
"What happened!?" Patrick asked, looking around, not realizing where he had hit Pete.

"Where's whatshisface?" Brendon pointed at the ground next to me.

"Ray's gone." I said, running over to the window.

"What do you mean gone?" Brendon asked as I opened the window and looked out. His demon smoke had already vanished from the sky.

What was that? Was Frank okay? I felt my heart race in fear. What was happening? I jumped out my window and ran in the direction I hoped Ray was going.

"GERARD!" Someone called out after me, but I didn't stop. I had a bad feeling, and Ray vanishing just like that didn't make it any better.

(Frank's POV)

"We have to get up top." I told Ray.

"Why? What's the mission say?"

"Just trust me!" I insisted. I turned to the shadow, who hadn't moved since handing me the paper. "Thank you."

It nodded slowly. It then looked to it's side and a doorway appeared. "Iero. Toro." It gestured us to it.

I ran to it and Ray followed. "THANK YOU!" I yelled, racing out. The shadow had given me more than it would ever really know. I had to make it count.

"What if we're too late!?" Ray yelled after me, as we ran along the cold tunnel the shadow had opened for us.

"It's never too late!" I yelled back, flashing my eyes and grinning.

Hold on G, I'm coming. You better be okay.

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