I'm Not Okay

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(Gerard's POV)

The piece had just started moving again.


I began looking around where we sat before it could even finish its message. It wasn't until I looked in the direction directly in front of where I sat that I saw it.

There was someone there.

Then gone in an instant.

"HOLY SHIT!" I yelled, scrambling back. The others looked up from the board at me. I was still pushing myself back, away from the small light we had from Brendon's phone and staring at the empty air the figure had been.

They all turned too, but it's not like they would see anything.

"Gerard?" Andy asked confused, still looking between me and the empty air.

I didn't say anything. My heart was pounding frantically. My breathing was rapid. I just saw something appear and vanish into thin air.

I finally managed to scramble to my feet and run. I could hear them yelling after me, but I couldn't stop. I could barely comprehend what I saw, let alone wait to see if it would pop up again.

"GERARD!" I could hear them running after me, but it couldn't stop me. I just kept running through the dark, somehow straight back to the gate and out of the cemetery. I hit the car, panting for breath. It wouldn't open when I tried the door. Keys...Pete has the keys.

I leaned against the car and coughed on the air. This settled it. I was definitely a bit out of shape.

I heard feet pounding against the ground, and saw the others pop into view.

"Gerard? G, you okay?.." Pete panted, slowing down to catch his breath.

"You just bolted, man." Andy said with a worried look, having had no trouble running the distance.

I was still trying to catch my breath, I couldn't speak. I just looked between them all and tried to relay the fear they must of seen in my eyes.

"Let's get." Brendon said, looking from me to Pete.
Pete nodded and jogged over to unlock the car. Once he opened it, I nearly dove into the backseat.

(Frank's POV)

I ran as quickly as I could back to my headstone cover, but he had seen me.

"HOLY SHIT!" He cried out.

"Frank?" Ray looked between me & the terrified group, "what did you do!?"

I looked towards the group just as G began to run into the darkness.

"I fucked up." I said. Before Ray could say anything else, I ran after G.

Humans dont have anywhere close to the night vision demons have. And this idiot had run off without a light. I chased after him, careful not to get too close. He was freaking out. What a great first impression.

I saw him almost making a wrong turn, away from the gate to exit. I don't know why I did what I did next. Why I helped a human is beyond me, but G wasn't getting lost while I watched. I took in a breath of air and blew it in G's direction. He stumbled, but was pushed over enough to run straight out the gate.
My hand grabbed immediately at my side as a sharp pain ran through me. I slid down against a headstone and sat on the ground. Using the elements hurt like a bitch, but for some reason, I used it for a human. Why?

(Gerard's POV)

I stayed silent the whole short drive to my house. The image of what I saw just kept flashing in my mind.

It looked human enough, hands, feet, torso, head, it had all the components. It even had a short side, but longer in the middle haircut like a human. It looked completely human, but the look in it's eye said otherwise. That was no human.

When we reached my house, I let out a soft sigh of relief. My breathing was slowing and my heart was returning to its normal pace. I was the last out of the car & walked slowly up the path to the door. I couldn't believe I saw something... I mean, I believe in ghosts but...I had never seen one?..

Mikey opened the door & ushered everyone in. He stopped me before I could get past the welcome mat.

"Woah, what happened to you?" He asked, using his arm to block the doorway, "you're paler than usual. All of you are." He turned to the three that had just walked inside. "What did you guys do?" He asked. I slipped inside while he asked.

"Just some idiot drivers and shit out there man..." Brendon muttered. Mikey didn't exactly know about the Ouija board...only that everyone was staying over.

"What, nearly die?" Mikey asked.

The four of us that went nodded, never making eye contact with Mikey.

"Well you made it." He pulled me into a chokehold and messed with my hair. "So obviously someone still wants ya around & kickin." He laughed, letting me go & walking off towards his room.

Patrick peaked his head around the corner & drifted over to Pete. "What happened?" He asked, quietly.

I looked down at the ground. It's hazel eyes burned in my mind. Just crouching there, watching us from the shadows. Ready to strike...

"G?" My head snapped up at the soft mention of my name. Patrick was standing in front of me. "Are you okay Gerard?" He asked.

"I..." I honestly didn't know. I was so excited, so amped for this creepy little game to start, but it feels like it backfired in my face... It felt like more nightmares.

"Do you want us to go?" Patrick asked with his look of worry he had for me. He knew I needed solitude sometimes. He was never one to push me into a situation if my soul was aching for simply no reason. And if he was unsure, he'd always ask.

"No!" I said too quickly. I bit my lip and took a deep breath. "Just...just not tonight, please? I mean, we're all here already and it's already pretty late and all..." I trailed off, but Patrick understood.

"We're in the living room watching some Netflix." Patrick smiled.

I smiled back. This kid was something else. Although I'm older, he's always looking out for me like I was a younger brother.

I followed him into my living room and looked at the small tornado all us boys had and possibly will create. Joe was knocked out on the floor in front of the couch. Andy sitting on the floor, leaning against the arm of the couch and breathing slowly, asleep. Brendon, for some reason, was laying across the coffee table watching the TV and wrapped in a blanket. Pete was sitting on the couch, rubbing his eyes to resist sleep. Patrick walked over to him, carefully stepping over Joe, and sat close to him, nuzzling his head to Pete's chest.

I took the reclining chair on the side of the couch. My room was within sight, but I didn't want to be alone right now. I needed to be around people. Just anyone right now...

I curled up on the recliner and stared at the TV blankly.

It had looked right at me. It had been sitting in the shadows looking at me. I felt my eyes drooping. The adrenaline was wearing off I guess. I was calming down physically, but mentality...

When I did sleep, the image of my graveyard watcher burned into my dreams.

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