17. aquí mismo

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Weeks after, Jihoon finally had the chance to meet his relative, which is Dokyeom and Dino. They are finally meeting face to face because they had to attend their big families gathering as they have always been in years.

Jihoon will always felt sick in his stomach every time he had to attend this reunion, he hates how few of them is a fake as he clearly remember how his family were left out when they are at their lowest.

But, he also clearly remember who was there with his families when they were at the lowest. It was Dokyeom's and Dino's families.

Dokyeom gave him a hug the moment he saw Jihoon. "Hyung, it's been a while."

Jihoon smiled, "How have u been? U look bulky."

"I've been kneading lots of bread for my bakery, and it gives me pain, so i decided to hit the gym so my arms could have more muscle for me to knead the dough."

"But i thought u had machines for that?"

"Some bread needs more care." Dokyeom chuckled.

Jihoon and Dokyeom were so caught up talking about Dokyeom's bakery when Dino came up to them.

"Hello, hyungs." He greeted them.

"Hi, Dino. It's been a while." Jihoon replied.

"Istg, i can't believe you are Mr. Seungcheol and Mingyu hyung friend? and Mingyu hyung is Dokyeom hyung friend too?" Dino described.

"Ah yes, about that. I find it shocking as well." Dokyeom added.

"Ive been friends with Mingyu for quite long but then u know things happen, and we weren't really close like we did before, kinda went to our own separate ways, until Seungcheol came back for work so we started to hang around again." Jihoon stated.

Dokyeom nods, "Ah, explain why Mingyu hasn't really with us these days."

"He is always with the two of u?" Jihoon asked.

"Well, he is mostly everywhere. One call away, and he'll be there." Dokyeom replied.

"What if i tried doing so? Will he be there?" Dino jokes.

"Try it. Istg he will be there." Dokyeom laughs.

"Based on experience, he does. He will always show up whenever u reach for him." Jihoon agreed.

"Hmm, but i am a nobody to him?" Dino stated.

"He is built different. Trust me, the next time u see him, he'll act like the two of u has been friends for years." Jihoon laughs.

Jihoon then thought that coming to the gathering was not a bad idea at all when Dokyeom & Dino is there. He kinda glad he still went.

After the gathering ended, the three of them part ways. Soonyoung was already waiting for him outside of the lobby.

"I thought u werent suppose to work today? Why are u here? " Jihoon surprised.

" I know right? I was already having a peaceful day off but then i felt bored. I got nothing to do. So, i came." Soonyoung replied.

Jihoon get into the car, followed by Soonyoung. "So, where are we going now, Boss?"

Jihoon smiled, "I just wanna be at home."

"Looks like home is where the heart is." Soonyoung giggled.

Jihoon directly went to shower right after they arrived. He thought Soonyoung are going to leave, which come to his surprised that the other person is chilling on his sofa scrolling thru his Netflix account.

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