32. resume

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Minghao was just about to start his day with a calm shower, a relaxing day as he decided to have a 2-day break from his cafe. The busy schedule took a toll on him.

Before he went to the shower, he decided to boil hot water for his breakfast tea, & that's where he got his heart almost jump out of his chest.

He was still a little sleepy when he went outside of his room, & at that moment, he saw this tall figure in his kitchen. As he slowly regained his consciousness after waking up, he smelled good aroma.

"Mingyu?" He screamed.

The tall figure guy looked back with a grin on his face that clearly showed his fangs, which once made Minghao head over heels for him. Well, he still did.

"Hey, u are awake. I have cooked some -" Mingyu couldn't finish his words because Minghao was already sobbing on his chest. The sobbing continues for quite a while.

"Hao, im sorry, but I might burn the food and ur house if u wouldn't let go of me."

Minghao finally gained his consciousness back to his feet and realized what he was doing, "Oh. I guess im gonna go shower."

"As u should. Ur snots could be everywhere in ur face." Mingyu giggled as he ruffled Minghao's hair.

Minghao ran back to his room. As he was in the shower, he tried to remain calm. He cant believe what he just did. Well, he just woken up, and consciousness hits slowly.

He then heard a knock on his door, "What taking u up so late? Hurry up or else the tea and the food will get cold. I dont mind reheating it again, but that would make it less delicious." Mingyu said.

Minghao clears his throat, "Ah, yes. Im almost done."

"Dont say u are crying there."

"Im not! I'll be there in minutes."

"Sure, i'll wait."

As Minghao was done getting dressed, he went to the kitchen. He made it clear he was not dreaming by hitting Mingyu's head with the spoon. If he hit hard, Mingyu would probably be dead, and Minghao would be arrested for homicide. However, he hit him just nice to let Mingyu know he is frustrated towards him.

"Ouch, that hurts."

"Do this again, i'll hit u harder. We were all worried. U didn't even respond to our calls & texts." Minghao stated.

"Look, im sorry. U know how clumsy i was. I hoped on the plane, i left my phone there, & when i got it back, i broke the screen. The place i went to doesn't have the repair shop, so i have to wait until i got back here, repair my phone, and well, the first thing i did was be at ur home." Mingyu explains.

"Even ur parents' phone? I know they have our number."

"Oh, about that one."


"So, we went to..."

"Where exactly u go until u can't update ur friends? u know how worried we were? WE ALMOST WENT TO THE COPS."

"Heyyy, why did u get so worked up? Im here now, dont be mad."

"I am not mad, Mingyu. Im worried. I have been going back and forth to ur house every single day, just to see if ur parents & u are there."

"U mean like, u go there after work?"


"Like, around 11pm?"


"U shouldn't do that. it's tiring. But, it's ok. Im back now, i'll help u with the coffee shop. It's been a while since im there anyway."

That's where Mingyu received another hit from a spoon.

"Wow hao, u gotten really aggressive ever since im gone."

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