13. saturday sunday

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Mingyu woke up to the gentle rays of the morning sun streaming through his bedroom window that he did not shut his curtain down. The room was bathed in a very soft, golden light that created a warm and inviting atmosphere. He could hear the birds outside singing their melodious tunes that added to the tranquillity of the moment.

Mingyu stretched lazily in his comfortable bed, feeling the soft sheets and the warmth of his blankets. He could hear the faint rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze that wafted through the open window. As he got out of bed, he could smell the aroma of fresh coffee brewing in the kitchen, a comforting and familiar scent that signalled the start of a leisurely weekend. Tho people think every day seems like weekend to him, but he knew it's different & Mingyu knew that this was going to be a peaceful Saturday morning, a time to relax and savour the simple pleasures of life.

"Good morning, Mr & Mrs Kim." He greets his parents who were already having breakfast.

"Morning, gyu." His mom replied.

"Happy weekend, son." His father said.

Mingyu loves the weekend because only on weekends will he be able to see both of his parents at home.

"Any plans for the weekend, gyu?" His dad asked.

"Probably gonna see my friends like i usually do." Mingyu chuckled.

His father nods.

Mingyu and his parents settled into the cosy living room after their satisfying breakfast. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. Having natural sunlight in his house is what always every guest compliment when they visit. The family gathered on the comfortable couch, cups of freshly brewed coffee in hand.

Mingyu's father, a kind and thoughtful man, began the conversation. He asked Mingyu about what he had been doing for the week. Mingyu, with a smile on his face, shared his latest adventures, relishing the chance to update his parents on his life.

As they talked, the living room echoed with laughter and the familiar bond they shared. It was a moment of connection and warmth, a testament to the strong family ties that brought them together on this peaceful Saturday morning.

Mingyu did tell bits about what's happening in his life for the week, but he left out about his painful secret from his parents – the recent breakup with his long-term partner. He had decided to shield them from the heartache, not wanting to burden them with his pain. As he sat at the living room couch with them, he forced a smile and engaged in conversations about various other topics to divert their attention.

Mingyu's parents, caring and perceptive, sensed something amiss in their son's demeanour. They occasionally asked him how he was doing and if everything was okay, but Mingyu deftly deflected their concerns, assuring them that he was just going through a stressful time by helping his friends with their problems, which is obviously a lie.

In his room, Mingyu had stashed away mementoes of his past relationship, memories that he couldn't bear to part with. He would often retreat there to grieve in private, allowing himself to mourn the loss of his love.

As he lay down on his bed, he suddenly received a phone call.

"Hi gyu, what are u going to do today?"

"Hey, hao. I dont really have anything sorted out yet. Do u need help?" He answers.

"Im sorry if this is too much to ask, but Im kinda short staffs today. Do u mind if i ask u to help me?" Minghao asked.

He smiled, "I love coffee shops. I'll be there in a bit. See u!" Mingyu said as he hung up before Minghao could even thank him.

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