21. that friend?

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The three of them were eating ice cream and enjoying the night view after having dinner at the nearby convenience store. It was cold but they said an ice cream won't hurt.

"So, u are finally moving out?" Jun asked.

Wonu bites on his ice cream which makes Vernon surprised, his face say it all.

"I think its for the best, and its closer to our workplace." Wonu answered.

"U have been planning to move ever since u start working is it?" Jun asked again.

Before Wonu could answer, Vernon said, "Why would u move out? Ur house is great, it is not even far for u to commute to work everyday. U have ur mom there. Ah, the taste of homecooked meal..."

Wonu smile slightly. Jun pats his back. Jun knows how Wonu has been fighting with himself for that decisions, and he eventually made it. He could say he is proud with Wonu.

"Sol. There's something i need to find, that's why i decided to move out."

"Well, if that's what u think best for u. But, made sure to invite me when u did a housewarming party." Vernon stated.

"Who would he invites if it isnt us?" Jun laughs.

"Sorry to break it to u, Jun. But, i do have other friend apart from the two of u."

"And that friend cant even hang around for an ice cream break after corporate slave hour time." Jun replied.

"Well, u are wrong. One of my friend is there." Wonu pointing towards a guy who is having a conversation with a delivery food worker.

"Who is that?" Vernon got surprised.

"Oi, Kim Mingyu!!!!!" Wonu shouted.

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Mingyu search for the familiar voice who called out his name, and he waves as soon as he see it

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Mingyu search for the familiar voice who called out his name, and he waves as soon as he see it. He then come running to the person who calls him.

"Jeon Wonu! Just got back from work?" Mingyu said as he seated himself on an unoccupied chair next to Wonu facing both of Wonu's colleague he had never met.

Wonu nods lightly, "What are u doing here, anyways?"

"I am waiting for Dokyeom to wrapped things up at the shop because we are going to hit the gym." Mingyu replied.

"Then? Why are u talking to the delivery food guy?"

"Oh, he was asking for directions."

"The conversation looks too long for just a "direction" conversations." Wonu stated.

"Ah, turns out he was someone i knew."

The replies will always got Wonu laughing, "As expected."

"He is a batch mate from middle school. What a small world." Mingyu described.

"Its not that the world are small. It's u who knows everyone in this world."

Mingyu couldnt disagree with what Wonu had said cause that's what the truth is. He then remembered that Wonu is not alone.

"Ur colleagues?" Mingyu said as he pointed towards Jun & Vernon.

"U must have some sort of super power." Vernon said.

"Me? Why?" Mingyu wonders.

"U made Wonu hyung shout." Vernon replied.

Mingyu smiled sheepishly, "He oftenly shout at me. That's embarrassing to say."

"Anyways, im Kim Mingyu." Mingyu introduced himself.

"This is Hansol & Jun. They are my friends."

"Corporate slave friends!" Mingyu claps.

"Ah, yes." Jun agreed.

"Mingyu hyung? Can i ask u a question?" Vernon said.

"Oh? Sure."

"What's ur astrological sign and MBTI?"

"Hmm. Im an Aries... my MBTI.... i forgot abt it, maybe i need to answer the question again."

"U wanna do it now?" Vernon passed his ipad to Mingyu.

Without stalling time, Mingyu took the ipad as a Yes.

"Well well, looks like Mingyu can really make people his friends within a minute." Wonu thought in his head.

After few minutes of answering, Mingyu finally have the answers for Vernon's question.

"Oh, im an ENTJ."

Vernon gasped, "Omg we are compatible with each other."

"Omg that's good thing."

"Auh, the two of u really be trusting the MBTI thingy." Wonu giggled.

Before the two of them continued, Mingyu received a phone call from Dokyeom telling that he is done with his work.

"Oh, sol, im sorry. I gotta go, we'll talk abt it next time! See u around Corporate slaves, Jun hyung & Sol. Jeon Wonu see u when i see u."

Vernon wave him goodbye. So does Jun and Wonu.

"Hyung, ur friend brings warmth." Vernon described.

"Well, he does."

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