2. réunir.

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Being back to where he comes from means he would be able to witness the beautiful sunset. That's the only thing missing from where he had been setting his life after he graduated.

As he landed, he took a deep breath. He smells the air he hasnt been smelling for years. This is the first time he had set his foot back to where he comes from.

He wasn't back here for good but just for his work. He has been contemplating about going back, but he had to. Not that he hates it, but he just prefers not to come back.

He waited for his luggage to load and started to text his most reliable friend. Perhaps not because he is reliable, but because he has all the time of his life.

Seungcheol took a deep breath before he walked to where Mingyu was. The other keeps on waving as if Seungcheol hasnt noticed his existence.

"What's with the long face? u weren't happy to see me?" Mingyu laughs, helping Seungcheol with his luggage.

"Why would i be happy to see u?" Seungcheol shrieks.

"I know u are happy to see me. You even brought me this." Mingyu pointed towards bags of chocolates that Seungcheol brought.

Tho Seungcheol didn't say it, Mingyu knew. He is happy.

Both of them walked to the car, companied by the sound of their footsteps and Seungcheol's luggage.

"So, u tell me they are already waiting?" Seungcheol wonders.

"Of course. Wonu texted me a while ago that they have been waiting." Mingyu replied as he drove.

"Gyu. Are u doing fine?"

"What u expect a free happy confused at the same time people feel? of course, im doing fine." Mingyu laughs.

Seungcheol hit Mingyu's head lightly, "U dont go pretending u are okay with the sad posting u posted."

"Im ok. Im just bored." Mingyu replied.

"Gyu, people dont post sad stuff when they are bored. They go and have fun."

"Oh, come on, I am not u."

"Well, im not really advicing u to do it like me, but at least find something better to do than posting all those sad postings. It makes me wonder what makes u sad."

"Im here. This is how i cope." Mingyu laughs.

Seungcheol rolled his eyes, "Shut up."

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