10. nouveau départ

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As Jeonghan made his way to the elevator, he was in a bit of a rush. He had his mind preoccupied with the day's tasks, deadlines, and audits. As he approached the elevator bank, he accidentally collided with someone, which is Seungcheol. They both stopped in their tracks, slightly flustered by the unexpected encounter. With a polite smile and a quick apology, they exchanged pleasantries before continuing their journey to their office. The chance meeting served as a brief but pleasant interruption to their otherwise routine workday.

"Same floor?" Seungcheol clears the awkward air.

"Well, all finance teams are on the same floor."

"So, how's dinner last night?"


"How are u?"

Jeonghan was taken aback by Seungcheol, who asked him about how he was doing. The surprise in his expression was evident as he responded to each well-wisher, appreciating the unexpected interest in his well-being and feeling grateful for the friendly gestures.

"Me? Good."

"Really? U look kinda tired."

Jeonghan almost wanted to scream on Seungcheol face that he was the reason he couldn't have a good night's sleep yesterday, "Well, with the correction for the audits, it's tiring."

He knows he was lying. He just dont want Seungcheol to know the truth.

"Fighting!" Seungcheol said as he entered his office on the very first door.

"U too." Jeonghan replied short.

Jeonghan passed by Chungha, his assistant, before he went inside his office.

"Sir, i just got a short notice meeting for u that's going to be held at 10 am later. It's about the external audit."

"Who the hell made that arrangement." Jeonghan pissed.

"Your best friend." Chungha chuckled.

"He's really good at making things annoying. Thank u, chungha."

He sits on his chair and starts doing his task. He had no time to waste before the meetings. He is always occupied with work, which always tends to make him feel like resigning his job.

Dino made his way to Jeonghan's office before the meeting started.

"Hannie hyung, i bring u some coffee."

"God, i needed this."

Dino smiled, "What's with the face? Still heartbroken?"

"Shut up. Im always tired. U know better."

Jeonghan sips on his coffee, "Caffeine kicks, best feeling ever."

"It would be much better if u knew who brought u that."

Jeonghan brows furrowed, "What do u mean?"

"Nothing." Dino chuckled.

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There were only several people during the meetings, including Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Dino, and Joshua

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There were only several people during the meetings, including Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Dino, and Joshua. It was just a brief meeting.

At the end of the meetings, Joshua shook hands with Seungcheol, introducing himself, " Nice to meet u, Im Hong Joshua, the CFO. I hope the audits are going well."

"Nice to meet u too. im Choi Seungcheol, there's a few things that need to be done, but it will be fine. I've seen the reports, and it was done nicely." Seungcheol stated.

"Oh, the reports were done and reviewed by our Finance Director here, Yoon Jeonghan." Joshua described.

Seungcheol looks at Jeonghan with amazement. He couldn't help but be amazed by his dedication and skill. His meticulous attention to detail. It was clear to him that Jeonghan knows what he is doing, and he couldn't help but be inspired by his expertise.

"Oh, i found the reports were very detail. Great to know someone is really good with their job." Seungcheol replied.

"Would u join me for lunch?" Joshua invites.

"Oh, absolutely." Seungcheol agreed.

Tho Jeonghan and Dino are his friends, they know boundaries at work. They excused themselves.

"Its a shame we cant have lunch together." Dino said.

"Well well, he is a CFO anyways." 

"Is it our fault that he is our friend?" 

"U don't want people to be discrediting ur job, right?" Jeonghan stated. 

They have been very lowkey with their friendship as they dont want people to think that the upper is being bias. Jeonghan and Joshua have been friends since they were in school, Jeonghan doesn't even foresee that Joshua is going to be the CFO. He doesnt even show any interest when they went to the same university. All he said was he is just going to have that degree and continue living his life as he is. Jeonghan applied towards the company only to found out when he is hired that Joshua was his supervisor. Jeonghan started as an assistant but manage to be the director in such a short time due to his professional skills. Dino on the other hand, was Jeonghan's assistant when was the Finance Manager and were Dino's senior in high school. 

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