31. meilleur ami

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It has been 10 days since Mingyu went MIA. His friends gathered in Wonu's and Seungkwan's apartment, wondering where Mingyu been.

" I went to his house almost every day after work, and it's still the same. " Minghao stated.

" Even his parents are unreachable. " He added.

" What if we report to the police? It has been 10 days, anyway? " Jihoon suggested.

" I kinda think that way too, but should we do that? and what do we tell the police? " Wonu ask.

" I don't think we should report to the police yet? Besides, it isn't just him. His parents are gone, too. Maybe they have some urgent matters. " Seungcheol stated.

"Its normal for a family being away from their house, right? " Hoshi asks.

"Well. It's normal, but at least someone should know?" Jihoon asnwers.

"Maybe they already told their neighbour about it?" Seungcheol added.

"We aren't Mingyu... we dont talk to strangers." Minghao stated.

"I mean... even the nearby flower shop around ur cafe area knew him? Maybe we could ask around?" Dokyeom gives an idea.

"Isn't he sometimes drop by ur brother place, too, tho?" Wonu ask Jihoon.

"Who knows he tells him a thing or two?" He added.

Minghao nods, "Kim Mingyu really turns this into a puzzle game that can be called "Finding Mingyu", right?"

"Well, i guess we have to try to be him then." Seungcheol stated.

"I hope he returns soon." Wonu said.


Minghao strolls around his cafe area and went to the flower shop nearby as what they have discussed before. A middle-aged man approached him, " Looking for flowers, son? "

" U have any kinds? I feel like putting a bouquet for my cafe decorations. " Minghao replied.

" Oh, so u are the owner of that cafe." The middle-aged man stated. " I heard that u like Tulips, white Tulips, to be exact."

Minghao was surprised that the man knew his favourite. "Ah, yes. but, would it be suitable for a cafe, tho?"

"Well, nothing could go wrong with that. U can always change the flowers."

"Sir, have u kinda seen Mingyu here?" Minghao let his curiosity wins.

"Oh, Mingyu hasnt been here, but i remember he used to say he might not be here for several days. He said he is going somewhere a little bit far." The middle-aged man answered.

"Far? Did he describe more details of it?" Minghao asks as he looks around for flowers.

"He didn't give me details, but i think he told me that he is going to hop on a plane, after a very long time. He doesn't tell u about it?"

"Ah, I've been busy with the cafe lately, so we couldn't really catch up."

Minghao picked white tulips for his bouquet and thanked the middle-aged man. He went out of the shop feeling bad. Bad because how can random people know more than him? A best friend? He felt like he really doesnt pay attention towards a friend.

As he got inside his cafe, he found Dokyeom was already seating to where they usually sit.

"Where are u from?" Dokyeom greets him.

Pointing to the flowers he got, "Flowers."

"U know what I've just found out? An acquaintance from the gym we usually go told me, Mingyu said he is going somewhere by plane."

Minghao eyes widen, it is the same info he just heard minutes ago.

"Why? U know something?"

"The flower shop uncle said the same thing to me just now."

Dokyeom brushed his hair back and forth, "Damn, we are really bad friends, aren't we? We never really ask Mingyu what's happening in his life & just care about our lives. He is always there with us, but now look at us? We dont even know a thing."

Minghao agreed with what Dokyeom had said. Perhaps its cause Mingyu is always available, always there to help, always listens to their problems, they forget that sometimes he also someone who needs that kind of treatment.


Seungcheol was on his cigarette break at the rooftop when Jeonghan greeted him. "Looks too dull for such a brighter day."

He blows his smoke on another side, "Thinking of a thing or two."

"Oh, was it the friend being MIA?"

"One of the reasons. Dino told u about it?"

"Dont get me started. He talks about it almost every day. Sometimes, i think of it when i was pooping."

"Poop?" Seungcheol chuckled.

Jeonghan heart gets warm seeing him smiling. He is glad with what he said makes Seungcheol laugh. "U dont do that while pooping? I cleared my untangle thoughts while pooping, it helps a lot to be honest."

"I dont even have the time to think while pooping. It just comes out, and im finished. Do u have constipation?"

"Well.... kinda?" Jeonghan pauses.

He doesn't know where he got his courage, but he starts tapping on Seungcheol's shoulder lightly, "I guess u felt guilty, but it's okay. Sometimes, we tend to overlook things and only care about ourselves. However, when he came back, please try to appreciate his existence and ask what's happening with his life. Well, like how he has been with all of us."

Seungcheol finished his cigarettes and thanked Jeonghan.

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