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Dedicated to: JerrytheGiraffe because she's just so awesome and I love her stories!


Rhydion have been around for a very long time, guarding the worlds and watching over the other species.

They are incredible powerful with God-like powers and abilities.

Rhydion are immortal and time, nor space affects them.

Before the Rhydion, Spirits ruled over the Realms. But in compensation to the selfless and kind-hearted Rhydion, the Spirits were cold-hearted and only thought about themselves, resulting in the Realms being a cold and dark place with a never ending winter.

It went like that for centuries, but that all changed when the first of the Rhydion - Louis - was born in the Golden Lake - the source of the ancient magic - in Fabulosa Mundi, a fairly new world.

He was the first light in the seemingly never ending darkness and the beginning of a new time.

Louis grew up in a small village unknown to the Spirits and he was cherished by all for his cheerfulness, kind and loving heart and his unique personality. Louis' presence was the only source of happiness and hope for the villagers, but regardless of all the attention the Rhydion-child got, he stayed humid and true to himself.

While the nights got colder, Louis' powers only became greater and soon enough, the child was one of the most powerful creatures of the whole universe.

Louis' powers couldn't be hidden anymore and the Spirits found out about the existence of the first Rhydion. They feared his powers and what he could become, so they came with a plan to kill him.

They went to Louis' village and offered him a Quest. If Louis completed the Quest successfully, the Spirits promised they would step down and give the Crown of the Realms to Louis.

Despite his young age, Louis knew the Spirits were cold-hearted and the reason of the never ending winter, he also knew that if he declined,the Spirits would kill everyone he cared about.Being the selfless person he is, Louis accepted the Quest with the intention of ridding the Realms of the darkness from the Spirits.

Louis had to do five Quests, and if he completed them all successfully he won.

The first Quest was that Louis had to tame Fangûr, the great ice dragon of the North.

Ice dragons are known for being untameable and having a heart as cold as ice. Knowing Fangûr's reputation and those who died trying to tame him, the Spirits firmly believed Louis would die trying to tame the ice dragon.

Louis went on a five-week-journey to the Frozen Realms to search for Fangûr, he found the great dragon inside an ice cave in the heart of the Realm.

There were a few things the Spirits didn't knew about Louis, one of them was Louis being a Dragonlord - those who are capable of taming dragons with their voice - Louis spoke to Fangûr's heart and the Rhydion's words touched the dragon and melted the ice that surrounded his heart.

Fangûr offered to bring Louis back to his home town, Louis accepted and let the dragon bring him back. Travelling on a flying dragon's back goes way faster than travelling over land.

The Spirits were dumbfounded when they saw Louis return on the back of - a tamed - Fangûr, they realised that they underestimated Louis and that he was someone to be reckoned with.

Just like with his first, Louis successfully completed the four other Quests. For next to being powerful and kind, he never gave up and he was very cunning.

Feeling defeated, but staying true to their promise, the Spirits stepped down and crowned Louis to the king of all.

Louis' loving and kind heart made an end to the never ending winter and it was the birth of the four seasons that kept everything in balance: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Louis has always watched over the Realms since then and many more Rhydion were born who did great things, but none of them compared to Louis, king of the Rhydion, who defeated the darkness and bought the light back when all hope seemed lost.

Because of their power, kind heart and all the good things they did, Rhydion - especially Louis - were honoured and cherished all over the Realms.

That time period was called 'The Golden Era of the Rhydion', but nothing lasts forever.

A few thousand years later, the Spirits returned and declared a war against the Rhydion.

Many Rhydion died by the Green Spear - one of the only weapons capable of killing a Rhydion - but then Louis appeared, hearing the death screams of his kind.

Louis defeated the Spirits once again and the war was over, but it didn't came without a price for there were only around twenty Rhydion alive - from the thousands.

Louis believed that his greatest adventure already happened, but when he went to Earth and met the other boys of One Direction, he realized it had yet to start.



Alright, this was the prologue of 'Boy Almighty'!

I made the Rhydion and everything up myself, which is why I did this for you can't find any information about Rhydion in existing Mythology, legends and such. This prologue was like... a history lesson of some sort and to introduce Louis and the Rhydion.

If you have any questions regarding Louis, Rhydion or my story in general don't hesitate to comment them b er low and I try my best to answer them.

Obliviously, the story officially starts with the first chapter, which is why I wrote the prologue in italics :)

Because this is a 30-days writting challenge I will update this story 1-2 times a week (maybe more often if I find the time) and I hope you will like it. I kinda failed at this... but I will continue this story either way cause it's great fun to write!

I also should say that the art on the cover is not made by me, I found it on DeviantArt and credit goes to the incredible 'dariemkova' (you should check her work out, it's incredible!) I added the title and my username and the cover was done! (previous cover)

At the side is the official fanmade music video for No Control, you really should watch it and give it a thumbs up if you haven't already.

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

Boy Almighty (Louis Tomlinson) AUWhere stories live. Discover now