Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We walked across the railway station, past vampires, werewolves, fairies and the alike who gave us curious glances, wondering what we were doing here.

It's not every day you see a Rhydion and a sorcerer of the Council.

Both me and Harry tried to avoid talking with anyone while we hurried to the train that would leave in ten minutes or so.

We quickly entered the train, the conductor nodding towards us polity.

"Don't we need to scan a card or so?" Harry whispered when I led us to the private cabins.

"They only let you enter this train when you belong to the supernatural, I have ears and a tail and you wear a golden robe from the sorcerers. That is enough to let us enter," I explained in a hushed tone.

Harry nodded and sat down on the red, leather seats, curiously looking around the cabin.

It was a luxury cabin; with comfortable leather seats, a crystal table in the middle, a large window and our cabin was separated from the others by a soundproof curtain, which made talking easier. I knew like no one how good the hearing of some creatures are.

"Those curtains are soundproof by the way, so we don't need to talk in hushed tones," I commented.

"Soundproof... curtains?" Harry said in surprise before shaking his head, "this all keeps getting weirder and weirder."

"And it will get ever weirder, wait until you see the flying cars and floating islands of Downworld! You won't know what you'll see!" I laughed and Harry's eyes widened to the size of soup bowls.

"Are you being sarcastic?" He asked sceptically.

"Actually, I'm serious," I replied. "We don't have the time to visit the floating islands and other interesting sights, but I'm sure you'll see a flying car."

"Why aren't there flying cars in Fabulosa Mundi?" Harry questioned, his head tilted to the side.

"Rhydion have wings and we are way faster than those cars, we don't really need them," I said.

"Excuse me," someone said, I looked up and saw a young vampire woman who clearly worked on this train, "but you can't sit here, those seats are for only Royalty and the alike," she said before looking up; her red eyes fell on my ears and tail and Harry's golden robe before widening drastically.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't realise who you were! I didn't knew there was a Rhydion and a sorcerer of the Council on this train!" She apologised in one breath, looking down shamefully at the ground.

"It's alright, no harm done," I told her in slight amusement.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"It would be nice if you could give us some tea," I commented.

The vampire nodded before hurrying out of our cabin.

"That was... different," Harry commented and I hummed in reply.

The train started moving, making us both look outside at the quickly changing scenarios.

"How fast is this train even?" Harry asked amazed, his green eyes barely keeping up with what's happening outside.

"Twenty times the speed of sound," I replied.

The vampire lady from earlier returned and placed two porcelain cups of tea with some cookies on the table. We thanked her and she left with a bow, much to Harry's amusement.

Harry looked sceptically at the cookies, who had every imaginable colour and were decorated with sprinkles or melted chocolate and I chuckled at his facial expression.

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