Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Harry looked around confused - with a slightly pale face - before focusing back on me, "I will never get used to travelling between the dimensions," he muttered and I laughed, shaking my head in amusement.

After we came up with a plan to 'remind Zayn where he belongs', I had bought us back to Earth.

"I feel like throwing up," he groaned, clutching his stomach.

I scrunched my nose up, "That feeling is completely normal, it took me nearly twenty years to adjust to travelling between different dimensions. You'll feel better in a while, don't worry," I assured him.

Harry frowned at me, "You have magical powers, can't you do anything about it?"

"I can do it, but it will only come back later. You better wait it out," I told him.

Harry looked slightly pale so I told him to sit down on a nearby bench. "Why didn't I had this when we entered Fabulosa Mundi?" He asked, curling in on himself and holding his stomach.

"It had to do with the energy levels on the planet. Fabulosa Mundi is an old and magical world with high energy levels. You didn't felt the side effects of dimensional teleportation because the magic of the world protected you against it in some way," I tried to explain the best I could.

Harry looked up when I sat next to him on the bench, "Earth has no magic levels?"

I lightly chuckled and looked up at the clouds, "Earth does has some magic, but the energy levels are just very low. Humans don't believe in magic anymore."

"And is this 21-questions or so?" I laughed and Harry rolled his eyes, placing his chin on his knees.

"This is the first time I went to another world - literally - excuse me for being curious," he defended himself.

"Harry, you're the first human ever that went to another world," I pointed out.

"Such a shame no one will know about it," he chuckled. I laughed and couldn't help but agree with him.

Harry fell silent after that and just looked around, I decided to do the same.

I ended up teleporting us to some kind of park with barely any people in it, making it a safe place to teleport to.

"Uhm... Louis? Where are we even? This doesn't looks like Bangkok, or China in general," Harry asked confused, looking around in bewilderment.

"Actually, this looks like Hyde Park!" He exclaimed wide-eyed. "Louis, you bloody idiot! You bought us to the wrong continent!"

I looked around with a sheepish smile, realising Harry was right.

"Whoops?" I sheepishly said.

Harry face palmed, "We have a show in Hong Kong in a couple of days!"

I held my hands up in surrender, "Calm down, no need to get your knickers in a twist, Styles! I can bring us to Bangkok in less than a minute," I calmly said.

Harry looked worried for I quickly added, "Don't worry, we stay in the same world so your tummy won't hurt when we arrive!"

"Alright, but I swear, if we end up in Australia or America..." He threatens, trailing off at the end.

I arched one of my eyebrows and sassily replied, "What are you going to do about it then?"

Harry fell silent and I grinned in triumph.

Before he could say anything, I placed my hand on his arm and teleported us to Bangkok.

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