Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"When will that other Rhydion arrive?" Niall asked between mouthfuls of food. The four of us had woken up early - around 5am - so we decided to pass some time by eating breakfast and watching some morning cartoons.

Until Strider arrived at least.

"His name is Strider," I corrected, taken a spoonful of coco pops. "He always had his... own sense of time. He will come soon enough." I told them. My ears perked up when Pokémon came on and Harry started laughing.

"This keeps funny," he laughed. "The king of the Rhydion loves watching Pokémon!"

I put my hand over Harry's mouth and shushed him, eyes fixed on the screen. "Be quiet. Don't talk during my favourite show."

Liam quietly laughed to himself and Niall had to clamp his mouth shut. Harry just gave me a grumpy look, probably because I was still covering his mouth. I uncovered his mouth and gave him an innocent smile. "Don't look so innocent Lou, you are far from it," Harry told me with narrowed eyes. "You are the one who wrote No Control after all."

I inwardly groaned and tried to watch my show. Tried to. I almost forgot that it's close to impossible to focus on a show with those boys around. They couldn't be quite for more than ten seconds. And on top of that; they were loud thinkers too.

Niall was thinking about what he wanted to eat tonight, he was debating between Chinese or Mexican food. Liam was thinking about his puppy from back home that he missed very much and Harry was thinking about No Control.

"Can you guys please stop thinking so loud?" I muttered.

Liam's eyes widened. "Get out of my head then!" He yelled.

I gave him a pointed look. "I can't exactly do that," I told him. "My mind is like a radio that picks up all the thoughts surrounding it. I can't block them out."

Niall's eyes had narrowed. "I don't believe you," he said. I arched my eyebrows and Niall asked, "If you indeed can read minds, then where am I thinking about right now?"

Niall was strongly picturing a group of green penguins that were dancing the Inbetweeners Dance in his mind. "Green penguins that are dancing the Inbetweeners Dance," I said. Niall's eyes widened. "And previously you were thinking about what you wanted to eat tonight. You were debating between Chinese and Mexican food," I added. Niall's eyes widened even more.

I smirked. "Personally I feel more like Mexican food," I casually added. Harry roared out laughing next to me and Liam patted Niall's shoulder. Niall was still staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth agape.

"I believe you," he finally said, after probably five minutes of Harry laughing his head off.

I just shrugged my shoulders and leaned back against the couch cushions, happily munching on some sandwiched Liam found and watching the morning cartoons.


"Guys," Liam suddenly said out of nowhere, looking down sadly at the phone in his hand. "Management uploaded the announcement on Facebook."

My ears sadly flattened on top of my head and I looked down. Niall looked away from us all and Harry seemed like he was about to cry. "How are the fans dealing with it?"

Liam scrolled down his phone. "They are completely losing it," he said. "Just check Twitter, it's all over social media."

I took my phone out of my pocket and I opened the Twitter app. In the corner of my eye I could see Harry and Niall doing the same. Just like always, my notifications were blowing up, now just more than normal. Many fans had asked me and the other lads what was going on and if it was some kind of sick joke, tagging us in their tweets.

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