Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

When a Rhydion gets engulfed by darkness and shadow, they lose all their sense of justice and the will to do good, instead they become a servant of evil with a hunger for destruction.

Their wings - no matter what colour they used to be - become as black as their soul.

When that happens they aren't worthy enough to be called Rhydion anymore, instead they get called the Forsaken Rhydion, or Forsaken for shortly.

When a Forsaken is created, they have to be destroyed for they are highly dangerous and the longer they stay the way they are, the stronger they become.

And that is exactly what happened with Zeref.

Zeref laughed, "Give it up, Louis. You can't catch me, both of us know I'm the fastest!" He yelled in the wind, falling down so he was maneuvering though the woods, his black wings nearly invisible in the dark night.

A few days ago, I found out Zeref got consumed by the darkness and to prevent the world from falling out of balance, I knew I had to kill him.

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"You won't summon Zeref. I won't let you," I stated with clenched fists. My heart clenched deep inside of me from the memories of Zeref, but I tried to push it back the best I could. For now at least.

Electricity radiated off me and pulsed though my veins in powerful waves and I shot forwards, knocking right into Shahid Khan and blasting him away with a thunder bolt.

The Spirit crashed against a wall and destroyed a few rooms and walls in the progress - luckily those rooms were empty otherwise I had some serious explanation to do.

The lamps that hung above our heads exploded from the electric energy and the remains crashed down on us.

I held my wings above my head and protected myself from the sharp glass that fell down - Rhydion wings are strong and can be used as some kind of shield when needed.

"You bastard!" Shahid fumed, he wasn't as lucky as me with the glass that rained down on us, for he had some sticking in his skin.

I just smirked in reply and shrugged my shoulders, "Aye, you were asking for it."

"And you shouldn't have challenged me either, being on your weakest and all," I added and the Spirit raised his eyebrows, "you are trying to possess Zayn to obtain his soul, yet you still walk around in your normal form," I said with a smirk, lightly bending though my knees.

"In order to keep Zayn in your possession, you have to use some of your powers to do so. Which means you can't attack me with your full power," I said with narrowed eyes. My claws whipped out and my teeth started to grow, my runes glowing brightly.

I was getting ready to fight him.

"While I on the other hand, am on my full strength," I said, jumping forward and trying to slash him with my sharp claws.

"You can't kill me! If you do, you kill Zayn too!" He yelled and I screamed, kicking him with all my strength in his stomach. He flew through the roof with a groan and landed somewhere on top of the building.

I spread my wings and flew up, flying though the cap I created.

I floated above the Spirit and snapped, "I can't kill you, that's true. But that does not mean I can't kick your fat arse, you greasy taco!" I soared down and shot some fireballs towards him.

To protect* himself, he created a water typhoon that he threw at my fire. The energy that broke free from fire and water clashing was enough to blast the both of us away.

I tumbled though the air until I got a grip on myself and soared up high. I send some energy towards the sky and made it rain, before sending a small shock wave in Shahid's direction, lightning up the whole area in strong lightning bolts. Lightning attacks are strengthened when they are fused together with water attacks.

Shahid jumped up - barely affected - and said, "Impressive, your electricity powers have gotten stronger."

"What else did you expect? They don't call me the God of Thunder and Lightning for no reason," I retorted with a sarcastic smirk.

"But I also have gotten stronger," he muttered. Dirty purple waves surrounded him and I could feel the magic radiating.

Poison magic. If I'm not mistaken.

"Let's see who's the strongest then, Louis," he said with a smirk.

"I don't feel like fighting you while you're possessing my friend, I just need to get you away from here. But you're not exactly giving me a choice." I replied, engulfing myself with fire and electricity.

We both dashed forwards and our magic clashed against each other, fusing together and creating an energy large enough to blast the two of us away - again.

The Spirit crashed into a wall and I nearly tumbled off the building. I pushed myself up and took a deep breath, breathing a shock beam of lightning towards my enemy, which hit him square in the chest.

Rhydion lungs are special, just like the lungs of a dragon they can store a high concentration of energy. And later on, the user can breathe a powerful beam of energy out, which often has a destructive effect on the enemy. But something unusual happened...

He disappeared.

My mouth dropped open slightly in bewilderment before I raced over to the spot where the Spirit disappeared after he got hit.

A big part of the roof got torn open but there was nothing to see of the Spirit. My red ears twitched in confusion, trying to catch any sounds that might lead me to his location.

I shortly wondered if he maybe teleported himself away to avoid my attack, but I quickly dismissed it.

I had to check on the other boys. Who knows Shahid was just here to distract me while another Spirit attacked the other boys? Who would be defenceless against an enemy that could use magic.

I spun on my heels - my mind racing a thousand miles an hour - and I sprinted back to where I left the lads. They were easy to find; for I could hear their breathing and the beating of their hearts, which was faster and louder than usual which slightly concerned me.

Did something happen?

I saw Liam first, looking slightly pale and staring blankly at the wall in front of him. I slightly arched my eyebrows and I tilted my head to the side, wondering what had happened to him.

Next I saw Niall and Harry, huddled together in the corner of the room. Harry was slightly shaking and Niall tried his best to calm him down.

Niall looked up with his wide-blue eyes and I immediately knew something had happened.

"Guys, what happened?" I asked softly, afraid I would scare them if I were to talk too loudly.

"Zayn," Liam said blankly, "he left us. He left the band."

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