Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Louis, what did you saw?" Harry asked after a while of sitting next to me on the floor.

I looked at him with my teary eyes and shakily held out my hand, Harry seemed to catch on to what I was about to do, so he held my hand in his own and closed his eyes.

I send the visions I saw to Harry; the golden light, Zayn's face cracking and the destroyed world.

After a while, Harry opened his eyes and pulled me in a hug. "It's going to be alright," he whispered in a hushed voice, gently stroking my ears. He pulled back and looked me straight in the eye, "I'm not going to let that happen. The future is not set in stone, we can change it and we will save the universe from destruction," he said, determination lacing his words and I knew Harry firmly believed in his words.

I smiled and wiped my tears, "Thank you, H. What am I supposed to do without you?" I chuckled.

"Seriously, you're the best friend anyone can ask for," I said and flung my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"No problem at all, my dear fluffy friend," Harry said and I groaned.

"Seriously, stop calling me fluffy!" I whined, Harry just laughed.

"I can't help it! You're just so soft, adorable and fluffy!" He laughed.

I grumbled something unintelligent under my breath as reply, making Harry laugh louder and pet my 'fluffy' ears.

I'm not fluffy.

☆ ☆ ☆

"Good morning, Lou and Hazzy!" Was the first thing I heard when I entered the restaurant for breakfast.

I looked up, and was met with Niall's sparkling blue eyes and bright smile.

I couldn't help but smile back, "Morning, Ni," I replied followed by a small yawn.

Niall laughed and skipped towards us. "Not your day?" He asked me when he stood in front of us.

Harry high-fived Niall, before he walked off to join Liam and Zayn for breakfast, but not without ruffling my hair.

"Just tired, didn't slept well," I told him, leaving out the reason as to why.

Niall didn't knew about the existence of the mythical world, and I plan to keep it that way; for his own safety.

The Irish lad tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows in thought, "I know what you need," he stated after a while with a nod of his head.

I arched one of my eyebrows in confusion, but before I could question his motives, he had dragged me over to his table and sat me down on a chair.

He sat down next to me and pushed a plate towards me; full with pancakes and loads of chocolate syrup.

"CHOCOLATE PANCAKES!!" He cheered with a bright smile while he threw his hands up in the air.

"Pancakes are happy food, you're tired and everyone loves pancakes! So eat the pancakes and be happy again!" He told me in his Irish accent.

"Thank you, Nialler. I always can count on you to cheer me up, can't I?" I asked, playfully ruffling his hair and taking a bite out of the chocolate covered pancakes.

Niall whined in protest for messing up his quiff and I just laughed at him and continued eating the pancakes.

"Hey, Lou?" Niall asked after a while of us eating our breakfast.

"Hmmm?" I managed to say with my mouth stuffed full with food, chocolate syrup dripping down my chin.

"Do you know what's wrong with Zayn?" Niall questioned concerned and I stopped eating the look at him.

Boy Almighty (Louis Tomlinson) AUWhere stories live. Discover now