Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

My fingers skimmed past the rows and rows of books, trying to find where I was searching for. We have been in the Celestial Tower for a couple of hours by now, desperately trying to find some useful information, without any luck so far.

My ears happily perked up when I finally found a few other books about; Spirits, powerful weapons, spell or anything useful.

"Here, take a look at these!" I said to Harry, handing him two thick books.

"What's in it?" He curiously asked, opening one of the books - making dust fly up - and his green eyes scanned past the words that were gracefully written on the pages.

"Magical spells," I said, immediately starting to search the rows for more books. I flew to the other side of the room we were in; my wings spread wide while I skilfully soared though the air, my eyes scanning the rows of books surrounding me.

"Actually, now that I think about it, it's one of the only books in this room written in your language," I added.

"English is not your first language, then?" Harry asked, looking up from the book he was reading.

"Latin is," I noted, "that's the language Rhydion taught the other species, actually."

"Such a waste it's not spoken anymore on Earth, then," Harry noted and I agreed, picking up a few books written in Latin and scanning though it. When I thought it useless for our case, I carefully put them back.

"Do we even have enough time to read this many books?" Harry muttered aloud.

"Time here flows differently than it does on Earth," I simply said. Harry nodded his head in reply and the two of us fell silent, our thoughts completely in the precious books of the library.

☆ ☆ ☆

"You might want to take a look at this," Harry suddenly spoke up, making me jump slightly.

I jumped down from the shelf I was seated on and curiously walked towards Harry, who was lying on his stomach in the middle of the floor; surrounded by books and manuscripts.

"What is it? Found something useful?" I questioned and sat down next to him.

"Well, yes," he said, "those few paragraphs literally explain how to separate a Spirit from a possessed soul."

My eyes slightly widened and I looked at the book Harry had placed in front of me to look at.

"But there's not much that we can do," he whispered and I gave him a curious glance. Harry shrugged his shoulders and mentioned towards the book.

I looked at the paragraphs Harry pointed to and, with a heavy heart, I realised he was right.

In order for the soul to be freed from captivity, the possessed themselves has to fight off the Spirit in order to obtain absolute freedom.

I lightly frowned, re-reading the last two words a few times in my head.

Absolute freedom. I've heard that somewhere before, but where? Something told me that part was very important, but whenever I tried to remember, my mind turned black.

I shrugged it off and decided to just continue reading. Maybe it is explained somewhere else.

When absolute freedom has been found, the stars will fall and the sky will cry tears for he who has been fallen.

And peace shall be found within.

"What is absolute freedom?" I muttered with my head tilted to the side.

"No idea, they don't explain it anywhere in the book, or any of those for that matter," Harry replied, mentioning to the books surrounding him.

"I did gather from all those books that when a Spirit possesses a soul, the Spirit fills their head with negative thoughts, for they hate anything positive. They also mess with their heads and memories, making them see things," he said, his green eyes burning into my blue ones.

"I believe that, if we want to save Zayn, we need to find a way to get through his thick skull; fill his head with happy thoughts and memories!" He cheered, throwing his hands up in the air with a bright and happy smile.

I get where he was going at and smirked, "Then Zayn's soul will get the upper hand and overthrow the Spirit, for it is Zayn's body after all! And then both the universe and Zayn will be saved!" I excitedly added.

"But first, we need to get through him. Zayn is very stubborn and headstrong," Harry commented with a slight frown.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Let's get him to watch videos from the X Factor days, happy childhood memories and such. I'm sure that will work," I told him.

"Or we just get Niall," I added with a laugh.

Harry snorted in laughter, "Yeah, or Niall. He can get everyone happy, no matter what mood you're in."

"Or in other words, we need to remind Zayn where he belongs." I said.


For the first time since writting this story, I have no idea what to write down in the authors note haha

Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote either! Tell your friends and pets to read this too!

Love you, stay fabulous!

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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