Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The crowd cheered and I smiled and waved at them, catching some of the fans thoughts that made me laugh aloud.

Liam got the lyrics wrong for his part of Stockholm Syndrome, but everyone just laughed it off and we continued the show.

I glanced Zayn's way and noticing something seemed... off.

He wasn't being his usual self on stage and he had a pained look in his amber-coloured eyes, like he was having an inner battle within himself.

I tilted my head to the side in confusion, I tried to touch his mind with my own, seeing if I could figure out what was wrong.

I tensed when I touched his mind. Of course, I felt Zayn's soul, but there was also something else lurking in the corners of his mind. Something with not exactly good intentions, something that tried to take over Zayn's mind.

Harry seemed to notice something caught my attention for he walked up to me and thought, What's wrong? You seem out of space. Knowing I could read his mind.

'Later', I mouthed, Harry nodded and walked off to another part of the stage, singing his heart out, but keeping a watchful eye on me.

The fans had noticed our short interaction, for they were screaming at us with their phones out. It will probably be all over social media later on.

I shrugged it off and turned back to Zayn, feeling slightly concerned about him. I had a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach, a bad feeling I couldn't shake off, no matter how hard I tried.

I've been alive pretty much since the beginning of time, and over the course of years I have been alive, I learned to trust my intuition and instincts.

And my instincts told me something big was about to happen, something that hasn't happened since the Ancient Times. And something told me that Zayn was involved in all.

"Thank you for having us! It was great to be here, see you soon!" Niall screamed into his microphone and I blinked my eyes, realising the concert has finished and I've been spaced out for a while.

Some fans gave me concerned looks, but I gave them my best smile and waved a bit at them, letting them know I'm alright.

Me and the lads jumped on stage and my eyes fell on the bottles of water someone placed there. I was about to take one, but a hand shot out and took an iron-like grip on my upper arm.

I looked up and met Harry's concerned green eyes. "We need to talk. Something I'd definitely wrong, you spaced out for the last three songs and Niall had to do your solos." He told me and I nodded.

I felt the presence of one of our managers a few feet away from the hallway we were in and I knew that if we didn't leave now, we would be stuck listening to him going on and on about pointless things.

So I placed my hand on Harry's arm - who looked at me confused - and I closed my eyes and focused on the other side of the stadium - where I couldn't feel the presence of a single human being - and I teleported us there.

When I opened my eyes again, Harry looked around with a bewildered expression on his face, seemingly in disbelief of what just happened.

I removed my hand from his arm and sighed, sliding down the wall and sitting down, wincing slightly when I accidentally sat down on my tail.

I tugged my tail out of my pants and my red ears perked up on top of my head. "I teleported us here, one of our managers was coming," I explained to Harry.

Harry looked at me wide-eyed, "You can teleport, too? Is there something you can't do?" I asked in awe.

I chuckled and Harry sat down, making sure he didn't sat on my tail. "There are only a few things I can't do. If I were to tell you all my abilities and powers, we would still be in this exact spot next week."

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