Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"I have a bad feeling," I told the others, leading them back to the hotel though the air.

"How so? I don't think there is anything wrong," Harry commented.

"You also don't have my instincts," I retorted, "just trust me on this one."

I just had a tinting feeling in my guts I always had when something big was about to happen. And what's about to happen in the next few days... might be my greatest adventure yet, according to my instincts.

After a while of soaring though the air, I landed on the roof of the hotel and Harry was quick to jump off, followed by Niall. Liam took a while to compose himself, clearly not used to flying yet.

"Next time, don't go so fast, please," the Wolverhampton lad begged when he finally got off.

"Oh, this isn't the fastest Louis can go!" Harry piped up, hearing what Liam said. "Rhydion can archive a speed of around seven times as fast as the speed of sound. Louis is the fastest Rhydion there is, so he can go a little bit faster than the average Rhydion," he added with a smirk, feeling proud to share his Rhydion knowledge.

"That is pretty damn fast," Niall commented, "why don't you fly at that speed the next time? Then we reach our destinations quicker." He offered.

I shifted back to my Revival Form and said, "If I were to go at top speed, you would all get blown off my back and I would create tornadoes and accidentally destroy towns with my power."

The lads stared at me for a while - no one moving or saying anything - before Niall said, "Ignore what I said then. Don't go at top speed."

"I won't," I said with a roll of my eyes, "but anyway, let's get inside the hotel and see if we can locate Zayn," I offered.

"How? That door is closed," Liam said, walking up to the door that led b inside and tested it.

I smirked and unlocked the door with my telekinesis powers, Liam didn't expect the door to open so he fell down with a yelp, glaring at me. "Telekinesis powers?" He guessed and I nodded, jumping right over his head and waltzing into the hotel.

I ruffled my hair, hid my ears and stuffed my tail in my pants, before turning around to grin at the lads, "You guys coming?" I hummed.

"You always hide your tail and ears like that?" Liam asked me when the others walked inside.

"Mostly. Sometimes I also wear a beanie," I hummed.

"Do you sense Zayn's presence?" Harry questioned, walking next to me.

One of my ears quickly perked up before hiding again, "He's not here, only the usual hotel staff and our crew." I informed him.

"Uhm... Louis?" Niall shakily asked, we all looked at him and Niall continued, "I think you may be wrong about Zayn not being here."

I arched my eyebrows in surprise and Niall pointed somewhere. We all followed the way he was pointing at with his finger and saw Zayn's silhouette though a black tinted window.

"I can't feel his presence... still can't... Something weird is going on, be careful," I warned everyone, narrowing my eyes and thoughtfully looking at Zayn.

I tried to touch his soul with my own, but nothing happened, there was no connection. It was like Zayn wasn't even there.

"That's weird indeed," Harry agreed with me, looking at Zayn with a frown on his face, "normally you can sense everyone's presence, right?" He added and I nodded.

"I even can sense the presence of Spirits," I said, tilting my head to the side and trying to figure it all out.

"Does that mean Zayn is fully possessed and... soulless?" Niall guessed.

I immediately shook my head, "No, that's not it. If that was the case, this world would be falling apart."

If Zayn were to be possessed, all would be lost.

"Something like this happened before... if I could just remember," I muttered under my breath.

My eyes widened when I remembered something, "Everyone, get the fuck away from here," I said and I sprinted away. According to the footsteps following me, I could tell the others followed me.

They had no idea what was going on and they were confused to no end, I could see so in their minds. But they trusted me enough to do as I said.

"What's going on?!" I heard Liam puff out.

"The Spirit is here. Shahid Khan is in this very hotel. We need to get away from here!" I yelled.

I felt a radiating energy moving through the air, cracking like electricity, going our way.

My runes appeared and glowed up brightly. I forced the lads to stop with my telekinesis powers and jumped in front of them. The electricity moved towards me faster than the human eye could follow - but Rhydion are different from humans.

Fire Magic pulsed though the veins, making heat radiate off my body. Bright golden-white flames engulfed my fist and I jumped towards the lighting, punching it with all my might. The electricity and flames exploded in an explosion of light and magic waves - strong enough to blast nearly anything away.

I bended though my knees, and with its usual light and sparkles, my wings appeared.

"Shahid Khan! Don't be a coward! Show yourself!" I yelled.

"Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. This can't be happening, we'll all die in fire and lighting!" Liam shrieked, going into full panic-mode, curling in on himself and rocking back and forth.

"Niall, Harry. Calm Liam down, I take care of the Spirit," I told the two of them, who nodded wide-eyed.

I sensed the Spirit's presence a bit away from here, so I sprinted towards it, senses on high.

"Don't bother Rhydion. You won't be alive for long anyway, the boy is nearly fully possessed," Shahid spoke.

"I'll never give up on my friend and I won't give you the crown to the universe! The eternal winter will never return to the Realms!" I said back, my teeth growing out to their original length - sharp razor-like teeth - and my claws started to grow.

"Don't underestimate us, we have gotten much stronger. Now we're capable of destroying you," he replied in an almost mocking tone.

I chuckled, "We all know I'm the most powerful creature in the entire universe," I dryly said, "and if you were strong enough to defeat me, you wouldn't need my friend's soul to use his energy to travel back time."

Shahid Khan laughed, "Oh, you stupid Rhydion! That's not all of our plan!"

My eyes narrowed, "Then what else could you do?" I hissed, my mind working an hundred miles an hour.

"Necromancy, Rhydion," he said.

The forbidden magic. The power to bring the death back to the Realm of the living.

"We are going to revive Zeref, the only one who has defeated you."

"Yet I still killed Zeref," I reminded him, "even if you were to summon him from the death. He does not care about the living, he'll destroy all, including yourself, which is why I had to destroy him billions of years ago," I said between clenched teeth.

"Zeref, the God of Death and Destruction."


Shit is about to go down... that's all I'm gonna say for now...

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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