Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I walked down the last flight of stairs, rubbing my eyes while a yawn escaped my mouth. It's actually not a bad idea from Harry to catch some sleep, I might do it, if it weren't for the nightmares haunting my dreams.

My ears perked up when I heard a cry, I frowned and focused purely on that sound. Recognising it to be Niall.

That's weird, I couldn't help but think. Niall rarely cries anymore those days , for wherever he feels sad he either goes to me or Zayn. Because I was away with Harry, Niall should have came to Zayn, but why is he crying? Did something happen to Zayn?

I walked up to the sound and found myself standing in front of the janitors' closet. I lightly knocked on the door, making the crying lessen a bit.

"Niall? Are you okay?" I asked gently.

Some shuffling was heard at the other side of the door, and soon enough the door flew open, revealing a red, puffy eyed Niall. Who, when he saw me, flung himself into my arms, gripping my shirt in his fists and crying his heart out.

My eyes slightly widened in shock and I wrapped my arms around the crying boy, holding him tightly against me.

Without Niall knowing, I radiated a calming wave to calm him down a bit, so I could ask him what's wrong. I have tried reading his thoughts and emotions, but to no avail. He's literally a mess.

I placed my head on his shoulder and hummed a lullaby that I always have heard in my childhood, the kind family that raised me always hummed it to me whenever I was scared or had a bad dream. I don't know what it is about that tune, but it seems to have a calming effect. And Niall was no exception.

He looked down at me with his watery blue eyes. In the earlier days of the band, I was the one to look down at him, but Niall has outgrown me.

I looked at Niall and smiled, but my smile fell when I saw the large, red handprint on his left cheek.

"Niall, who hit you?" I asked him sterner than intended.

Niall looked down and the memory played in front of his eyes. Seeing his memories and thoughts, I saw it to, making me look at him horrifying.

"No... it can't be," I whispered, shaking my head in refusal. He couldn't have done it! How can you even slap, let along hurt someone like Niall? It's simply impossible.

"It was Zayn," Niall shakily confirmed, "he's the one who hit me."

"What happened?" I asked wide-eyed, lightly gripping Niall's shoulders, making him look at me teary eyed.

Niall bit his bottom lip and buried his face in my neck, "I-I was walking to the bar to get one of those banana-strawberry smoothies. I saw Zayn sitting by himself in a booth and I walked up to him for he looked like he was struggling," Niall told me shakily. The memory played in his mind so I saw and experienced it like Niall did it when it happened.

"Struggling? Do you know where Zayn was struggling with?" I asked. Niall shook his head, "Okay, what happened after you walked up to Zayn?"

I gently started to rub Niall's shoulders when he spoke, "I wanted to hug Zayn. Zayn was sad and hugs make people feel better, but when I hugged him, he pushed me away. I looked at Zayn, wanting to ask him what's wrong, but the look in his eyes stopped me from doing so."

My vision blurred and I got pulled into Niall's memories. His memory and emotions so strong, I saw it without being able to do anything about it.

Niall wrapped his arms around a tensed up Zayn, wanting nothing more than to comfort his friend with whatever trouble he was facing.

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