Chapter 5

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Dedicated to @mesmereyes because I love her stories Lucifer and Lucifer 2 so much, she's like God! ...or 'Satan'? haha:)

Chapter 5

I walked inside the Celestial Tower, with Harry following close behind.

When Harry entered the library, the door closed behind him soundless. Harry watched on in awe how the door became one with the wall and disappeared completely.

"How...?" He breathed out, walking up to the wall and placing his palm on the smooth surface.

I shifted back to my Revival Form and simply said, "Magic, Harry."

Harry nodded, "Of course, everything in this world is magic," he muttered under his breath, but with my advantaged hearing I could still hear what he was saying and I softly chuckled to myself.

"Come on, we don't have that much time," I said and Harry sighed before following me deeper into the Celestial Tower.

"How old is this library even?" He asked after a while, looking around wide-eyed.

"Nearly as old as me," I told him, pointing around me, "I had created this library in my twenties."

"It's older than Earth, then?" He piped up, squinting towards the ceiling and trying to find it, without any success.

"Your world is still young, there are many things older than Earth in the universe," I said, "and don't bother searching for the ceiling, this tower literally reaches the stars. Hence the name," I added when I noticed Harry was still trying to find the ceiling.

We walked past wall paintings that resembled the war between the Rhydion and the Spirits.

"Are there many?" Harry asked, seeing the question burning in his mind I knew what he meant.

"There used to be thousands of us. We were in every corner of the universe, going wherever our wings bought us, spreading hope and love as we did so. We appeared when we were needed the most, and we left when our goal was archived," I told him.

Harry looked at me with his curious green eyes, listening intently to what I was telling him.

"Sounds incredible, where are all those Rhydion now?" He casually asked.

I looked down and my ears slightly flopped to the sides, "The war you saw on that painting was between the Spirits and the Rhydion millions of years ago. Many Rhydion died there."

"But aren't Rhydion like indestructible?" Harry exclaimed wide-eyed.

We walked past endless rows and rows filled with books, ancient manuscripts and even rocks with words and spells written on them.

"Everything and everyone has a weak point, even Rhydion. It's true we're difficult to kill, only a few weapons are capable of doing so," I patiently explained.

"The Spirits managed to get the Green Spear in their possession. They used it's great power to kill many of my kind," I added.

"Yet you defeated the Spirits then," he said awed.

"Yeah, I did. But I was still too late to save my own kind," I said monotone.

Something pulled at my heartstrings upon mentally seeing all those death bodies with their pale faces staring up at me.

Their hollow eyes staring at nothing in particular, the fear and terror still clear in their expressions. It's a day that I will never forget and that will haunt me forever.

Cries of sins. A life of sorrow. Hollowness sphere. Fate passing by. Stance of silence and distance in between. Pain of pessimistic. A river of tears and blood.

"Lou, are you okay?" Harry's concerned voice bought me out of the darkest corners of my mind.

I turned around to face him and immediately Harry had his arms wrapped around me, cradling me against his firm chest.

I felt something cold trickle down my cheek and I realized I was crying.

Harry didn't said anything, he just held me. And at this moment, I couldn't be anymore grateful to have a friend like him.

"Did you knew I had kids?" I asked randomly. Harry shook his head.

"They died in that war, killed by the leader of the Spirits," I cried out, my body shaking with sobs.

Harry's breath hitched in his throat and he tightened his hold around me.

"And I couldn't save them," I whispered.

"You defeated the Spirits and saved the universe," he protested.

"But my children are death... gone..."

Harry shook his head and pulled back, looking me firmly in the eyes with a fire burning in the depths of his green orbs, "They are not gone," he said firmly.

"You told me that when someone dies, their soul goes up to the skies to Form a star. I'm sure you're children's souls are there. They might not be here with you physically, but they never left," he told me, and this time, I was awed by him.

I nodded, "Thank you," I whispered.

Harry smiled, dimples and all, "That's where you have friends for, we pick each other up if the other is feeling down and we are there for each other."

I shook my head in amazement, "Seriously, since when have you gotten so wise?"

"I met a Rhydion, that's what happened," Harry chuckled.

He clapped his hands together, "Now, let's go find those books, shall we? We still have to save Zayn!"

I nodded, "Follow me. I know the way," I said and led Harry to the books we need.

I will save you, Zayn.



This chapter is shorter than usual, but the previous chapter was 2,000+ words so I think I'm allowed to do so haha

This shows that, even though Louis is a mighty Rhydion, he has flaws like everyone and because of his immortality he has experienced great losses and sadness, which he has to overcome in the rest of this story. But it also shows the beautiful friendship between Harry and Louis (everyone needs a Harry in their lives) and how important friendship is in life :)

Friends are important in life! Never forget that!

Don't forget to comment what you thought of this chapter and what you think is going to happen next! Don't be a silent reader, voice yourself!

I also entered this story in the Wattys, so wish me good luck!

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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