Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I pulled the grey hoodie further over my head and looked the other way, tightening my hold on the bag of crisps I just bought. There were loads of fans all around me and I was trying my best to stay unnoticed, so far, it was working.

Two blondes close by were excitedly chatting over the One Direction concert that would start in around six hours.

One of them gave me a curious look, probably wondering why I was wearing a hoodie when it was fairly hot outside.

Is that... Louis Tomlinson? No, it can't be, the girl was arguing with herself in her mind and I took a shaky breath when I realized she recognized me and was about to tell her friend about me being here.

I acted quickly, my eyes flashed shorty silver and the girl's eyes glazed over, getting a barely noticeable silver tint. I got into her mind and remover the memories she had of seeing me just a second ago and replacing them with just seeing a random lad.

After I had replaced the girl's memories, I quickly hurried into an alley and removed my dark tinted shades, revealing my - nearly unnatural - bright greenish-blue eyes.

I quickly looked around, taking in my surroundings; dumpsters, no people, a grey stray cat and a narrow alley.

My phone beeped in my pocket, signalling I got a new text and I curiously took it out, seeing a new message from Liam.

Liam: Where are you? The show starts in an hour!

My eyes widened when I realized it weren't six hours until show time, but only one.

I cursed under my breath and looked around, trying to find the quickest way to get to the stadium in less than an hour. My eyes fell on the brick building in front of me and I shrugged my shoulders, realising I didn't really had another way to get to the stadium unseen.

I put the bag of cheese crisps between my teeth and rolled my shoulders, before I ran on the wall to the top of the building, skilfully manoeuvring so I wouldn't fall.

I turned invisible in the progress - can't have anyone seeing me running on the side of a building - and ran to the rooftop where I stood still to search for the stadium.

The wind whirled around me and I put the cap of my hoodie down and ruffled a bit with my hair, releasing my fiery red, pointy ears I had normally hidden from view.

I looked down at the people below, momentarily hearing their thoughts and feeling their emotion before I easily jumped ten feet in the air and gracefully landed on another building.

It went like that for a while, with me jumping from building to building until I reached the stadium. And that all in not even ten minutes.

I jumped down and walked the last two minutes to the artist entrance of the stadium. I made sure to turn visible and that I hid my red ears once more before I reached the security.

They easily let me pass, recognising me to be one of the One Direction boys.

I caught a bit of one of their thoughts, The kid is in trouble, he's late for rehearsal, I smirked to myself and walked the corridors of the stadium, easily finding the dressing room where the other lads are.

They all looked up when I entered and Caroline - one of our stylists - scowled at me, "And where have you been, Mr Tomlinson?" She said with an arched eyebrow, her dark eyes narrowing on me.

I held up the bag of crisps and tossed it towards Niall, who caught it and gave me a thumbs up. "I got a bag of crisps for Niall, the lad was hungry." I replied in my smooth voice.

Caroline groaned and moved her glare to Niall, who stiffened when he realized he's in trouble, "And why couldn't you get a bag of crisps yourself, from the stadium?" She asked him.

Niall held up the crisps like it held all the answers for the world problems, "Easy, they don't have cheese crisps in the stadium, and I love cheese crisps." He said in a 'duh-tone', then opened the bag and put a few cheese crisps in his mouth, moving his attention to his stylist who was trying to discussing with him what shirt to wear for the show.

"And you," Caroline said, bringing her attention back to me, "pick out some clothes and do something about your hair, you're a mess." She stated and I nodded, walking to the rack of clothes and picking out something my size, quickly changing into them, making sure my large, fluffy tail was hidden from view by standing behind the racks.

"Louis!" Harry greeted me, appearing next to me. His eyes flickered down to my red tail before focusing back on my face.

Around four years ago, Harry once walked in on me chancing - accidentally - seeing my red tail in the progress. I had told him all about Rhydion then and explained that I'm the king.

Harry might know about the existence of Rhydion, but he was still slightly awed and shocked when he saw my tail, ears, wings, marks or witnessed my powers.

"Hello, H," I greeted him back, tugging the pants up my legs and hiding my tail from view.

"I will never get used to you being a Rhydion," he muttered under his breath, too low for anyone else but me to hear.

"You say that all the time," I reminded him, checking my hair in the mirror and ruffling it up a bit.

"It is true though," Harry said, "before I met you, I only heard about Rhydion in fairy tales and myths. And the next, I became friends with a real-life Rhydion." He rambled to me.

"Fate does funny things with life," I told him and Harry nodded in agreement.

"Harry! Louis!" Zayn yelled, trying to catch our attention. We turned towards the raven-haired lad who said, "Come on, guys. We gave a show to do!"

"Got it!" I yelled towards him with a bright smile. Zayn chuckled and shook his head, jogging out of the dressing room and towards the platforms that would bring us on stage.

Liam and Niall had already left while I was talking with Harry.

"Come on, my red fluffy friend! We have a show to do!" Harry cheered with a laugh, swinging one of his long arms over my shoulders while he led us towards the platforms.

I scowled at him, "I'm not fluffy! Do I need to remind you I have fangs and claws? I wouldn't call that fluffy," I protested and Harry laughed.

He removed his arms from my shoulder and before I could punch him he had ran towards his platform, getting a microphone and earpieces handed to him.

I rolled my eyes and took my own microphone and earpieces from someone from the crew, I thanked the young lad with a smile and put the earpieces in my human ears, who are actually an illusion.

I sighed and stepped on my own platform, checking for the last time my ears were completely hidden from view - which they are.

Alright, let's do this. Showtime.



Welcome to the first official chapter of Boy Almighty!! :D Vote, comment and share!

Sorry if it was kinda boring, this was more like an introduction to some of Louis' abilities (and of course) the other lads.

If you still have questions about Rhydion, comment them below and I'll answer them. In the next few chapters you will also find out more about Rhydion btw, so don't worry.

Let me know what you think of this story so far and what you think will happen next :)

All the love.

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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