Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Harry! Wake up!" I yelled, pushing open the door that led to his room.

Harry had closed all his curtains and he had his blankets wrapped around him like a cocoon, sleeping peacefully. At last the Spirits didn't captured him.

I ran up to his bed and jumped right on top of him, "HARRY!!" I yelled in his ear, making Harry sit up startled and his head to bump against mine.

"Louis! What the hell?" He whined, rubbing his now sore head.

"Liam is in danger!" I said, catching his attention. Harry looked at me wide-eyed and instead of telling him, I showed it to him in a memory.

Harry's eyes glazed over and when he was back to himself a while later, he noticed Niall standing in the room.

"Niall knows," I simply said, "we seriously have to go now, though," I added and both boys nodded.

"Just let me put on some clothes, I can't run around Bangkok naked," Harry muttered, standing up and grabbing a random shirt, jeans and some boxer briefs. Quickly putting them on, before nodding at me and Niall and the three of us sprinted out of the hotel into the busy streets, avoiding the fans the best we could.

"How are we even going to find Liam in a place like this?" Niall asked.

"Louis, didn't you said you had sensitive senses? Can you sniff Liam out or so?" Harry asked.

"Harry, I'm a Rhydion, not a bloody dog!" I said, "And there are way too many people here to even locate him, human smells don't hang around for long either."

"Another power then?" Niall offered, his blue eyes scanning the faces around him in the hopes of recognising Liam.

"I can try locating his soul though the air," I offered after a while. I gripped Niall and Harry's arms in my own and said, "Hold on boys, we are going to fly!"

Before they could question me, I had turned us invisible and jumped around twenty feet in the air. While I did so, I transformed to my Primal Form and caught Harry and Niall on my back.

"Wha-" Niall said, looking at me wide-eyed.

"This is Louis' Primal Form, awesome right?" Harry explained with a dimpled grin, Niall could only nod his head in agreement.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them and looked in the souls of everyone underneath us, flying over them at top speed and hoping to locate Liam soon.

☆ ☆ ☆

"Found him!" I said after a while, sweeping down until I was flying right above Liam's head.

"Won't he hear us?" Harry whispered.

"Soundproof barrier!" I replied.

"He looks like a zombie, literally," Niall said rather bluntly.

"He could be controlled by Shahid Khan, Spirits have the ability to control someone and let them do whatever they want. But only when that person doesn't know about the supernatural," I told the other boys.

"And how do we get Liam back to normal?" Harry asked.

I gave them a wolfish grin, "We need to get him to go back to his senses," I said, I picked Liam up with my front paws and soared up high.

I flew to some high tower where no human could see us and put Liam down, landing right in front of him, turning visible in the progress.

Harry and Niall jumped off my back and ran towards Liam, who according to Niall, really did look like some kind of zombie.

There was a certain emptiness in his eyes and he looked like he was sleepwalking; unaware of his surroundings and walking in slow motion.

I transformed back to my Revival Form and shook Liam rather roughly, "Yo, Payne! Wake up!" I yelled in his face.

"Louis, be careful! Rhydion are much stronger than humans, you might accidentally rip him to shreds!" Harry said, pulling me away from Liam who fell backwards and blankly looked at the clouds.

"He's like a human sized doll," Niall commented, blunt like always.

"Okay, Louis. What are the ways to get him to go back to normal?" Harry questioned, lightly tapping Liam's head with his feet.

"One way would be to destroy the moon," I said casually, Harry and Niall looked at me like I've gone crazy for real.

"The moon... you want to destroy the moon," Niall repeated and I nodded, "I don't doubt that you're powerful, but I'm not sure if you're capable of destroying the moon."

"Actually, Earth used to have two moons and I might or might not have ended up destroying one," I informed him with a sheepish grin. "I don't see why I won't be able to destroy the second one too."

"No way, Louis. You're not going to destroy the moon, isn't there another way?" Harry asked, dismissing the idea of letting me destroy the moon.

"Another way is to kill the Spirit, of course. But because that Spirit - Shahid Khan - is possessing Zayn, you can't kill the one without killing the other," I said.

"The easiest way would be to get though Liam," when I had said that, Niall looked at me curiously and Harry bend down to Liam, slapping him straight in the face.

Mine and Niall's mouths dropped open from Harry unexpected violent attack at the poor Liam.

"LIAM!!" Harry roared, getting red around the face. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting a bit scared, Niall even moved behind me. "GET THE FUCK UP, YOU HEAR ME?! DON'T BE SUCH A LAZY BUTT, WE HAVE NO TIME FOR DREAMING AROUND THE WHOLE DAY!!"

My eyes had widened drastically and I wrapped my tail around my leg, ears completely disappearing in my hair.

Harry said I couldn't shake Liam because I might rip him to shreds with my strength, but right now, I was actually fearing for poor Liam's life.

Note to self: Never get on Harry's bad side.

"LIAM, YOU'RE MOTHER IS HERE AND SHE SAYS YOU'RE IN TROUBLE FOR BREAKING HER TABLE!!" I looked confused when Harry said that, for it wasn't making any sense at all.

But somehow, it seemed to get through Liam, for he sat up with his eyes wide open and started to apologise to his mother who wasn't even here.

Me and Niall shared a confused look, both wondering what just happened.

Liam glared at Harry when he realized his mother wasn't here and Harry just grinned and skipped back towards me and Niall. When Harry got closer, Niall took a step away from him.

That was when Liam realised he was on top of a twenty-something-story building, his eyes drastically widened and he shuffled towards the middle of the roof. "How in the world did I end up here?!" He shrieked, getting slightly pale.

Liam's eyes went to me and Niall and he seemed honestly surprised to see us here. His eyes widened even more when he saw my tail - my ears were still hidden in my hair - and he blurted out, "Louis, why do you have a tail?"

"I also have ears," I cheerily added, my red ears perked up and when Liam saw them.

He fainted.


This chapter was... random... Don't ask me how I came up with it, for I have no idea myself XD I just... wrote.

Anyway, tell me what you thought of the most random chapter yet of Boy Almighty! I love to hear from you all, don't be a silent reader! :D

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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