Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"He left? What do you mean he left?!" I asked in bewilderment, feeling slightly stupid for some reason.

Memories rose in my mind. From the time the five of us spend in the X-Factor days; where we promised we would always stay together, no matter what would happen. Memories of all the gigs we did together. The many people we met; our fans, but also interviewers, the crew - who became part of our small family - and all the other thousands of faces we have met.

Zayn left. He left the band. He left One Direction. I repeated to myself over and over, letting it sink in with a sick feeling.

"What Liam said. Zayn left. Without telling us any reasons; he just picked up his bags and left without as much as a 'good bye.'" Harry said in a shaky voice, his bottom lip trembling and I knew him well enough to know he was about to cry any second now.

My ears flattened sadly on top of my head; hiding completely in my hair. Rhydion were sensitive against emotions and I could feel the emotions of others as if they were my own, and the emotions the boys were feeling; sadness, confusion and fear, hit me like I walked against an invisible wall.

I strode over to where Harry and Niall were and sat down in front of Harry, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him closely. Harry was taller than me - almost everyone was, much to my dismay - but right now; with him curling against me and his body shaking to control his sobs, he looked small.

I tightened my hold on him and laid my head on top of his own. Someone else sat down next to us and wrapped his slender arms about both me and Harry. It was Niall. Niall pressed his face against my shoulder and whimpered softly. I unwrapped one arm from around Harry and put it around Niall instead, trying my best to show him some sort of comfort. Liam also joined our huddle; seemingly mostly confused as to what was happening to him. Not that I could exactly blame him; he only recently found out about me being a Rhydion and now this. Today must be a confusing day for him.

We sat like that for a while. A Rhydion and three humans; huddled together in the corner of a hotel hallway, holding on to each other like our lives depended on it.

I was the first to break the deafening silence, "How are we going to explain this to our fans?" I whispered softly.

Harry chuckled dryly, "Can't you do that thing where you mess with their minds? It would make everything much easier," he said. When harry was sad he tended to say dark things - as dark as it can get with Harry, it's Harry after all. He never fully meant what he said, so I didn't took him all that seriously.

"I won't do that. Zayn has played a big part in their lives, it would be cruel if I took it from them, even if they wouldn't know about it." I answered anyway. Just to say something to break the tension, which could be cut with a knife.

"I was only joking," Harry said in a small voice.

I gently patted his head, "I know you were," I said softly, pressing my face into his mob of hair. I have always wondered how one single human boy could have that much hair, but I never actually bothered asking him about it. It was just a part of him. A part of who Harry is as a person; his long hair included.

"It's going to be okay. It's all going to be okay." I said. Even though I had no idea if I said that to convince them or myself.

☆ ☆ ☆

I sat silently on the rooftop of the hotel, looking down at the nightlife that continued around me; people going back home from work, teenagers crowding the streets and the cars that drove by.

All of them were unaware of what just happened. They just continued their lives, their biggest worries were being able to pay the next bill, so they wouldn't suddenly be homeless.

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