Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"This is The Green Spear?" Harry asked in awe, his eyes never leaving the weapon in front of his own eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes. This is the mighty Green Spear. Created with ancient and powerful magic millions of years ago in a place far, far away from here," Stan said.

The spear seemed to be completely made out of jade and it had a soft green glow around it - which is why it's called The Green Spear. The stele was decorated with black symbols from the Ancient Magic, which gave the weapon its power and the ability to kill and destroy every living thing.

"Louis, why do you even want The Green Spear back? You can't even touch it, let along use it," Stan asked me curiously.

"A friend of mine has been possessed by a powerful Spirit, and I have the feeling the Spirit wants to obtain this weapon to kill me," I said.

Stan's eyes widened, "Possessed?! Oh, poor child!" He said, sadly shaking his head for Zayn's fate, "You need to go back to the world above, your friend needs you."

"I know, Stan."

Stan carefully took The Green Spear out of the chest and removed the bubble wrap from it, before wrapping it up in a rather ugly cloth.

"It will stay unnoticed like this and it will protect the spear, this is a magical cloth and it prevents The Green Spear from unleashing its destructive powers," Stan said, handing the wrapped bundle to Harry.

"Why do you hand it to me?!" Harry shrieked wide-eyed, holding the spear far away from him, afraid it might explode any moment.

"Because you are the only one who can touch it out of the two of us, it's deathly for my kind," I replied.

Harry nodded and carefully held it under his armpit.

"Come on, I lead you two outside," Stan offered, "I have a secret passage in my house."

We followed Stan to his secret passage, which was a tunnel that led outside, "Well, until the next time then, my fluffy friend!" Stan grinned at me. "Goodbye to you too, curly!"

"Bye, Stan. It was nice meeting you," Harry said being the polite person he is.

"Until the next time, werewolf!" I yelled before disappearing in the tunnel and dragging Harry along with me.

The tunnel was completely pitch black and I knew for a fact Harry couldn't see a thing, for he kept walking into my back and against the stone walls whenever we rounded a corner. So after a while, I gripped his arm and led him though the dark.

"How can you see?" Harry muttered after a while of walking in complete silence.

"My senses are better than yours, Hazz."

"You have night vision, too?" He asked.

"No, I can only see the shapes of objects. I mostly count on my hearing and smell right now," I told him.


"I can send out radio waves that bounce back when they come in contact with something, and I pick them up with my ears." I explained, "And with my sense of smell I can find out what it is, everything and everyone has a different smell."

"That is pretty awesome actually," Harry muttered, I chuckled in amusement.

Footsteps above our heads caught my attention and I stopped walking to listen better. My ears perked up, completely focusing on the area above us.

Harry seemed to have noticed something was wrong, but he kept silent, thankfully. He just looked up with a slightly scared expression, clearly noticing something was happening there.

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