5.(2) The joke is on you

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"Diana Jane Watson's deeds are considered heroic, as is her way of survival." sounded the voice of Derek Graham on the television that hung in her room in the hospital.

Though Derek had never been elected as Mayor had he fulfilled the task of his uncle with much dignity and pride. He publicly emphasized her innocence, if not that she was and remained a victim. There was no evidence to support her guilt anyways. And he too, had been threatened by the infamous Black Mask. Not that people commonly knew of this. Nor objected to her innocence.

This was to be a publicity stunt, for all the people who hated the Joker and all the people who empathised with her would come together to accuse the Joker of every single crime that she had committed. Those small-minded people would ask nothing but revenge, no matter whose freedom they would have to bargain with. Not to mention that the publicity caused by her own parents would much affect her innocence. They were her ultimate tool, as was Roman, who had visited her every day since she had been in the hospital. Besides that, had her original plan worked out precisely the way she wanted: Gordon felt in dept to her. And because of this, did he too doubt her guilt. A man who stood for justice, always, sided with her. Like the Batman did as well.

"No matter what," said Jane Watson-Lucas after the Major did his part, "we are blessed to have our daughter back. And the monster that hurt our little girl so badly, should pay the price, through justice."

When Diana had graduated as a psychiatrist, she received but a postcard and a bottle of champagne marked "regards, Watson residence". But when Jane knew there was the public eye to appeal to, they flew in within a day. Both that and the fact that Thomas would have gone to his daughter willingly, and Jane had always been jealous of this bond they had.

In an hour time, both her father and mother had returned to the hospital, where Jane once again spoke to the reporters as Thomas sat beside Diana's bed. They had not spoken in years, and neither did they speak much now. Thomas felt much ashamed, for he realised how lightly he had once mourned the one woman he ever loved. He realised that he had mistreated her that time ago. And he felt bad, not perse because it happened, but because she quite possibly knew of it. They both watched her mother, Diana with a far larger distaste than her father, yet he undoubtedly hated her as well.

"Have you heard from Bruce, father?" Diana asked.

Thomas looked at his daughter with a pitiful look and then towards his watch.

"I have spoken to him on the phone, Diana." repeated Thomas for he had spoken of this matter for so many times.

Diana found a window of opportunity when Batman decided to side with her over, her supposed innocence. A part of that opportunity was to have her old life back, with Bruce. Though she knew it would be half the life she had hoped for, it would be rich. Bruce could be manipulated, for after all he was very intelligent, but Diana thought that his human and empathetic part made him folly after all. It made him pliable. It was an impulsive thought, but if she accomplish it, she would have been happy for at least a while.

The last time Thomas had spoken to Bruce Wayne was at Diana's funeral. Bruce was aware that the woman in the casket (which could not be opened to the eye because of the horrific sight of her torture), was not his daughter. But he mourned her, nonetheless. Thomas could have been angry with him for that fact, but truth was that he understood Bruce to a certain extend. That conversation he had had with Bruce had turned out to be the most knowledgeful one he ever had, when it came to Diana. One in which both men confessed what they truly thought of her. Thomas would keep that conversation to himself, always.

"And?" Diana asked, "Why is he not here?" 

She became quite impatient for she had hoped that his image would be enough to drive him towards her, which would be a fair start for the reconnection of their bond. If not, she hoped that he feared her, because of her knowledge.

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