9(.1) the Gotham War

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Diana was most afraid when she and the Joker started to see one another again. She was afraid for the moment where she would realise once again that the Batman was more important to Joker than herself. She was most afraid to that one day the Joker would reject her in a more violent way she had ever done to him. In a way she did not want to be alone. And she felt alone even when she was surrounded by people. The only time she felt in the presence and acknowledgement of someone was when she was with John. For she knew he would understand her like no other could. She had hoped that John would become the figure she had always wanted him to be; a loving and proper man. One that cared for her and Elizabeth. One that took care of them. But she was always confronted with the truth. Neither her nor him were fit for roles of parenting. She began to understand that much more in time. The more she tried her best to connect with Elizabeth as a child, the less she actually cared for her. She wanted Elizabeth to be like her, yet then again wished her not the pain of having her thoughts and her mind. She could not stand the childishness that Elizabeth carried still. Even if it had all been spent to a small fragment of her personality. For many would say that Elizabeth was a bland and mature child. Much too mature for her age. People were concerned for her. Even Joker was somewhat concerned for the child. Diana was too stubborn to acknowledge it. She would never part from Elizabeth; she was too stubborn for that.

Joker announced to Diana that he planned to leave Gotham weeks prior to his actual leave. He had said that he himself was not the same person as he had been years ago. He wanted her to join him. The last time she saw him he tried to persuade her to leave Elizabeth for him. For a moment Diana had doubted greatly on her decision. She loved Elizabeth, but she was not her own child, nor her responsibility. She was not sure if Elizabeth would turn out to be worth John's sacrifice. For a few days she had even decided that she wanted to leave Elizabeth to Thomas and Jane. But after three days of bickering on how to approach them, she decided not to do it at all. Like he chose the Batman before her, did she choose Elizabeth. They parted with the promise to keep in touch. Which Joker did in the form of postcards and letters. He had to travel much in order to evade the law. He travelled all the way through south America, where he found a way to board a plane. After what he sent postcards from a variety of places all over the world. He had not changed in words to her, neither had she to him. Those letters were almost like love-letters. Something neither would want to be associated with. But they were their only means of contact. They were what little love they had for one another. They had extended their relationship to something dearer, something much more valuable.

After the disappearance of the Batman, Diana encountered many foes. Many attempted to shake the criminal occupation of Gotham. Even some men from The Circle attempted to send parties to execute her. But they all failed. After a while Diana seemed to understand that one of her assailants had been Andrei Abramovic. She had contacted his closest right hand, who was also his sister, Carina Abramovic. In exchange for her brother's seat at the table, she allowed and persuaded Carina to betray her brother and to execute him. Carina had executed her brother in bright daylight, when he was on his way to the Ice-berg lounge. She had assassinated him herself, from afar. But from that distance he was able to see that it was her who had killed him, just before he drew his last breath. There was discomfort amongst the men of The Circle for the fact that Carina would take her brother's place. But Diana dismissed all those who disagreed with her decision. Which made Carina Abramovic the second woman to join The Circle and most loyal to Diana herself.

But what had really triggered a certain battle for the power over Gotham once again, was the fact that rumours of Bain had returned. In fact, his presence was greatly felt. He had made his return clear by committing a heist upon the entire sales-market of Gotham City, leaving many millionaires to sudden bankruptcy. Concerning even the likes of Bruce Wayne's empire. It offered the illusion that Bain was a vigilante. One that the city needed, after the sudden absence of the Batman. Civilians supported him and his somewhat socialist standards. But Diana knew better than that. She knew that all he had come for, was to merely destroy the city. Bain's influence on their business but also the entire city had much more effect than the Robin had ever had. The men of The Circle had feared Robin greatly, which meant that they were now terrified. Zuko had come once to Diana, begging to be released from the table. But he would leave at too great a cost, Diana had said. He would lose everything he had invested. Their money was a binding contract, which kept the regime from falling completely out of order. Francesco understood this the most. And after all the time he had spent waiting, had he become to doubt her greatly. He sensed that his time had come. Cleverly, had he motivated other members to attempt a mutiny. In that way he would not be suspected, nor be the only person who was held accountable for it. He hired men who claimed to be mercenaries to assassinate her. However, he did not know that those who he had hired, which had presented themselves as Slavic immigrants and master criminals, had come along with the great Bain. Francesco could not have known what his actions would result to. Then after him, Penguin was the one to understand that Diana was slowly failing. He was also the only person who understood that she was failing because she was losing her interest, not her skill. Him not sharing their bindings, he decided to retire. But before that he had warned Diana, nor of herself, but of a war that was coming. He had not the age nor the need to get involved in such things. He had made his living; he left the Ice-berg lounge and Forty-Four Below to Diana herself. He did so not because he found her the most honourable, but because he denied Francesco to gain such power. He could sympathise with Diana for the least.

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