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•The Devil•

Desire's POV:
After the silent lunch, in which we were both playing the tough game of silence. I went back to the old motel. The bright sign outside was flickering, making the motel seem haunted. When I walked into the dim room, I turned on the light and the roaches again ran away. I fell onto the bumpy bed and checked my phone. Lucifer had called a lot, making my phone blink with missed calls.

I hesitated for a moment before dialing his number, knowing that this conversation wouldn't be pleasant. He answered with a harsh tone, "Took you long enough. Where have you been??"

I replied, "I was busy. What do you want?"

Lucifer's voice filled with irritation, "Busy!? Do you think you can just ignore my calls? I don't appreciate that, Desire."

I scoffed, "You don't appreciate a lot of things, Lucifer."

He warned, "Watch your tone. You owe me."

I snapped back, "Owe you?? I owe you nothing. I'm done, Lucifer. I don't want anything to do with you or any of those nappy-headed, backstabbing, tramps of yours!"

"Mane first of all whatever they did to you ain't got nothing to do with right now!" He argued, "You think you can just walk away from me!? You know the consequences, D!"

I smirked, "I've faced worse than you, Lucifer. I'm done playing your games. Goodbye."

With that, I hung up, cutting off any further threats. The room seemed less heavy, like a burden lifted. It was a risky choice, but I wasn't going to let Lucifer control me anymore. This was a big change - a decision to take back my life, even if it meant cutting people off.
Malcolm's POV:

After work, I went home to my modest two-bedroom apartment. I turned on the TV and started exercising. Music played in the background, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about Desire. She was stuck in my mind, making it tough to focus on anything else.

I'm glad she's doing better, I just wish I knew more about her. She comes off as this mean, bougie, city girl. She's very pretty but she ain't my type. I like a Godly woman, not a Worldly woman. But I do pray that she gets better with everything. I know things have been really tough for her but...she's grown so I expect that she knows how to pick herself back up.

Suddenly, my fire alarm went off, and oh shoot! I forgot the fact that I was cooking dinner in the oven.
Desire's POV:

It was midnight, and I tried to sleep with cotton balls in my ears, clutching my gun under the pillow. The rundown motel room offered no comfort, and my attempts to rest were impossible. Frustrated and uncomfortable, I decided to give up on the motel. I grabbed my things and headed to my car, hoping the backseat would bring some relief. Lying in my car, the heaviness of my problems weighed on me. Even though I wanted to cry, I held back the tears, not letting them out. The car turned into a quiet place where I kept my feelings to myself.

The next day I went back to the gym Malcolm worked at. I needed to work out anyway to get my mind off of stuff plus, I wanted to see what kind of teacher he was. I walked into class ten minutes before the session began. He smiled and waved at me but I wasn't in a smiling mood. I just waved back and settled into the corner by myself.

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