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What nobody knows

Byron's POV:
After Olivia rudely hung up on me, I walked out of the bathroom, and there was PJ, standing right there. He startled me, and I exclaimed, "What the heck is wrong with you, standing outside the bathroom like a creep?"

PJ folded his arms, saying, "You know phone calls are a violation against the rules, right?"

I stood there, contemplating what to say next, caught between the need to think quickly on my feet or potentially finding my way to rehab. The situation pressed on me, and I knew I had to choose my words carefully.

I leaned in with a sly grin, "You know PJ, my dad thinks it's important for his employees to be honest and upfront. I could easily make a call and have someone more professional take your place if you keep restricting my basic privacy."

PJ chuckled, "Byron, you're not the first one to try that, and you won't be the last. Good luck replacing me."

I shrugged, cool and collected., "Funny you say that, PJ. By the way, I found out about your illegal immigration move. You moved countries and now you need a green card and you've been in the United States for over a year now without it. It's surprising how you haven't gotten caught yet but Imagine how my father would react to that revelation."

PJ's smile faded, and he stuttered, "You...you can't prove anything."

I grinned wider, "Oh, PJ, I've got enough to make your therapist license vanish. Not to mention send you to prison! Now, about that phone call, let's keep this between us. No need to upset my parents, right?"

PJ sighed, realizing he was in a tight spot, "Fine, Byron, but this better not become a habit."

I added, "One more thing. Can I have a visitor during our session tomorrow? Just a brief fifteen minutes."

PJ hesitated, "I can't allow that."

Raising my eyebrow, I asked, "Think about it, PJ. Do you really want your past haunting you? I'm sure my father would be interested in your illegal story. Or do we keep this quiet and agree on that fifteen-minute visitor tomorrow?"

PJ nodded, "Fine, fifteen minutes. But not a second longer."

I smirked, "Great. I knew we could see eye to eye! See you tomorrow, PJ."

PJ stood there stunned, and I demanded, "YOU'RE DISMISSED NOW!"

PJ gathered his belongings in a hurry, making sure not to forget anything important, before turning towards the door and leaving without looking back.

I rolled my eyes, and right after that, I received a phone call from my fiance, Alicia.

I answered the call annoyed, "What Alicia?"

Alicia sounded really worried, "Byron, where have you been? I've been worried sick. And why did you push the wedding three months back without even discussing it with me?"

I sighed, making up an excuse, "Look, Alicia, I just didn't want you to stress. I've got a lot on my plate right now, and I thought it would be better for both of us to wait. Stress isn't good for the wedding, you know?"

Alicia continued, "But Byron, I just want to be there for you. I don't know what's going on and nobody's telling me anything. I would expect my own fiance to at least keep me up to date with his situation. Can't we go through this together?"

Getting fed up, I snapped back., "Alicia, you're pressuring me right now, and it's not helping my mentals. I need some space to figure things out."

Alicia, hurt and confused, replied, "I'm not trying to stress you, Byron. I just want to support you. Just tell me what's going on with you! We're a team."

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