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•I'm Fine•

Byron's POV:

I was peacefully asleep when suddenly cold water splashed over me. Panic set in; I felt like I was drowning. As my blurry vision cleared, I realized it was just my mother, holding a bucket and had me under attack.

"What the heck mama!?" I exclaimed.

"Boy shut up!" Mama replied, she snatched the covers off of me and started tripping.


She grasped my chin, "You're pathetic! Last night you snuck out of here and don't tell me you didn't because I saw it on the cameras. So where'd you go!? Where'd you hide the drugs?"

I replied, "I don't have any drugs!"

She started searching the drawers, in the closet, and even under the bed. She lifted my head to search my pillow and I yelled, "MAMA CAN YOU JUST CHILL!"

She slapped me again and asked, "Have you lost your rabbit mind!?"

I replied, "I'm fine..."

Mama replied, "No you're not! And because I can't trust you anymore we've got our bodyguards to stand outside this door at all times to make sure you don't go anywhere."

I responded, "Mama I'm grown and I don't need anyone to watch over me okay? I'm fine!"

Just then my dad walked in and said, "Ohh so you're grown now? You weren't acting like it before you pulled that little stunt!"

I got scared and trembled at the words, "Dad I'm fine!"

Dad replied, "Fine?? You're fine but you can't even stay clean no longer than six months!?"

I stared down at my hands and said, "...I'm fine!"

Then Dad exclaimed, "WELL IM NOT! We had plans for you and you ruined them by going back to that ghetto alleyway and got on that stuff. You ruined a perfectly good plan! I am trying to train you to put the business in your hands. So that you can take over and let's not forget to mention that you also were about to get married! Did you forget about that??"

I shrugged, "I'm fine."

He continued, "I'm surprised she even agreed to get married to you. Let alone put up with you!"

I asked, "What difference was it going to make? She's only with me for my money!"

They both laughed aloud and I just sat there staring at my hands.

"Your money!?" Dad asked, "No that's OUR MONEY! Me and your mom's....you think you've got anything to do with the money we've earned?"

I exclaimed, "But that's not fair! I'm the manager up there."

Dad chuckled, "And just how do you think you would even be able to get in that position if it weren't for me? That's MY BUSINESS that I BUILT! I'm just letting you take over."

I replied, offensively, "You told me if I went to college that the business would be mine."

Mom rolled her eyes, "You think a degree is going to make you qualified?? We only told you to go to college to make you feel valid. Let me also remind you, that you BARELY passed college. That's when this little drug path started."

I began to stare down at the floor, I just wish I could disappear at this point.

Dad intervened, "Oh yeah, and about that little comment you made about her being with you for your money. Alicia is very wealthy and unlike you, she's humble with her money. Do you remember that her mom passed away after you both graduated college?"

I answered, "Yeah, I remember that!."

Dad replied, "Alicia's mother left her with a fortune inherited in her Will."

"WHAT?!?" I exclaimed, "How come she never told me??"

Mom shrugged, "We told her not to! Your ego's too big and we didn't want you to ruin our plan by bringing up her money all the time. When you two get married you both will have good incomes and you'll be a wealthy couple. Did you really think we would put you on with someone broke?"

Dad added, "And besides if you didn't have the money...do you think someone would date you for your looks Byron? I mean look at you, your eyes are bloodshot red, you've got drugs on your tongue, and let's not forget to mention that you don't work out. A wife wouldn't want to come home to a husband so....weirdly shaped."

I replied, "Dad I'm fine!"

Mama replied, "Oh trust me son we know you will be because guess what..."

She grasped my chin and said, "This is my last time taking you in. I'm tired of cleaning up your nonsense! After these three months are up, I don't wanna hear about you being on that stuff again and I DON'T WANT ya filthy, dirty, crack mouth, nasty, slimy self in my house after this do you hear me!? I should not have to keep watching after your overgrown tail! I'm tired of playing mommy. Next time you go back to that stuff I will personally take you to rehab MYSELF!"

I tried to defend my case and said, "Mom I'm trying!"

Mama replied, "I sure can't tell!"

Dad added, "WELL TRY HARDER! You're not trying hard enough...otherwise you wouldn't be here right now."

Suddenly a text message came through my dad's phone. Then he said, "Your therapist is here! Put on a smile for him will you and please act as if you want some help."

I continued to gaze at the floor and said, "Fine!"

They walked out of my room to go get my therapist. I sat there in bed daydreaming while also trying to hold back emotions.

I'm just stuck here on the bed, feeling mad and embarrassed. Mom and Dad are all over me, exposing everything. They say Alicia's loaded, and I didn't even know. Now, they're giving me this ultimatum, and I can't shake off this helpless feeling. The therapy session is coming up, and I'm sitting here, trying to keep it together, but it's tough. I wish I could just disappear. I can't believe they knew about Alicia's money all along and kept it from me. I know it's just money from inheritance but that doesn't make a difference. I thought I was in control, running the business, but now they're saying it's all theirs, and I'm just playing manager. The pressure's building up, and I feel like a failure. Dad's words about Alicia and my looks sting, but I have to act like I don't care. The countdown to this three-month deadline is hanging over me, and I'm supposed to put on a smile for the therapist. It's all too much. I wish I could make them understand how trapped I feel. Deep down, I know they're just tired of dealing with my mess, but being threatened with rehab feels like a punch to the gut. I'm stuck in this mess, and there's no easy way out.

My therapist PJ came in and this is my third time in life seeing him. I wanted to tell him to go away! But here goes nothing; time to put a smile on my face and act as if everything is okay.

I smiled and extended my hand to him. Here goes three months of going through these exhausting therapy sessions.

Therapist PJ asked, "Man it's been a long time...how have you been?"

I forced a smile and said, "I'm fine!"

Chapter Notes: This chapter is pretty self-explanatory but, Byron is a prime example of a depressed person. He claims that he's fine and he says it multiple times in this chapter because even though he says it, it's obvious he's numb.Alicia isn't really rich but she has an inheritance from her mother that she never told Byron about. His parents degrade him which is just the beginning of a whirlwind of trouble for future chapters.

The end of this chapter.

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