•Twenty Four•

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•Standing on Bidness•

Desire's POV:

The next morning I arrived at Malcolm's apartment around seven-thirty in the morning. He's normally cooking breakfast around this time so I know he's up. Plus, it's Saturday and this is the normal day that he runs errands but not today. I knocked on his door then he opened it with a surprised look on his face.

Malcolm asked, "Desire, what do I owe the pleasure of you popping up at my
Apartment unannounced?"

I smiled, "I got us Starbucks..."

He rolled his eyes and then invited me in. He served me some of his breakfast then I decided to explain my real reason for coming over. Besides the breakfast of course.

I explained, "So I was thinking that today, we could set you up another social media platform. That way you can make it a business page for your gym. Go to the library and print off some business cards then...you should be good to go. All you need is to promote your new gym business at work. Then, I figured that you can also record a couple of sessions while you're teaching everyone else."

I continued, "We should also make you a clothing brand."

Malcolm coughed on his coffee and then said, "A what!?"

I replied, "Clothing brand! I was thinking that we should make you some merch so that you can get your following up."

Malcolm replied, "Okay can we just go one step at a time."

I leaned in and said, "I'm only taking word from the wise because you said it's good to dream ahead."

Malcolm got quiet then I grabbed his phone and we made him a social media account. We brainstormed some ideas to give his gym a title and the type of content he could create for workouts. We decided that we should do something different though, involving the workouts around Christianity.

Malcolm asked, "How can we possibly invite Christianity into exercise?"

I replied, "Well you've gotta think. There are a lot of Christians literally binge-eating daily. Gaining weight due to real-life problems. So, if they look at content that has God involved with workouts that are inspired by the Holy Spirit. It could help a lot of Christians take more care of their temple."

Malcolm looked at me in shock.

I laughed, "Why are you looking at me like that??"

He smiled, "Hearing you talk with a lot of intellect on Christianity just makes you more attractive."

I started blushing and said, "Malcolm, stop it!"

Malcolm said, "Maybe I should stop before my flesh starts acting up."

I laughed, "Seems like you need a purity ring!"

Malcolm hit his hand and said, "You know what, let's get back to the matter at hand."


Alicia's POV:

I woke up and started to fix me some tea. It's crazy how I am pregnant but I don't have any symptoms for real. I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl. Maybe even twins. I rubbed my stomach which still appeared to be flat. I hope nothing is wrong with me. I always imagined that when I decided to have kids the father would be here to support me. I would quit my job, stay at home, and go through the trimesters, all while waiting for my husband to come home and give me stomach kisses.

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