•Thirty Eight•

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•A Memorable Wedding•

A few days later, As the chaos of the wedding preparations swirled around them, Desire found herself sitting at a table, watching the hectic scene unfold. Wanda was directing everyone rudely, the bridesmaids for Alicia were running around like crazy, and the catering staff were trying to lay down the food during the chaos.

Brandon grabbed Wanda and pulled her aside, his expression tense. "Are you sure the plan is going to work? And after the wedding, will Alicia be willing to sign the inheritance over?"

Wanda nodded determination in her eyes. "I'm sure. Alicia and I have discussed this and she understands that she has no choice but to sign the inheritance. Our lawyer will be here to make sure she does."

Just then, Malcolm approached them. "Byron and Alicia wishes to make an announcement in front of all our family and friends before the wedding starts."

Wanda asked, "Why?... They should be getting ready to go the Altar."

Malcolm shrugged, "Wanda it's their wedding. Not yours! Now do yourself a favor and go find a seat. They should be out shortly."

As they made their way to the front, the venue, decorated in beautiful violet shades, looked stunning. The tables were adorned with elegant centerpieces of violets and candles, casting a soft, romantic glow over the room.

Malcolm walked over to one of the bridesmaids, a smile on his face. "Hey, do you think you could go get Desire for me?"

The bridesmaid nodded and went to find Desire. Shortly after, Desire emerged, looking stunning in her pretty purple bridesmaid dress. Malcolm's mouth dropped and he complimented her on her outfit. Then he took her hands and led her outside, away from the hustle and bustle of the wedding preparations.

They found a quiet spot in the back of the venue, away from the noise. Malcolm looked at her with admiration. "I just wanna say, despite everything we've been through I'm happy we've made it this far. I mean this went from one night of you dancing on me and now we've made it here. I'm truly proud of you for the progress you've made, trying to change and I'm happy that I got to see it all happen."

Desire smiled softly. "I know, it's been a journey. I'm just happy to get everything over with, so we can go back home and back to our normal lives as friends."

Malcolm teased her, "Was I that bad of a fake fiancé?"

Desire chuckled, shaking her head. "No, not at all. But it will be nice not to lie about us anymore. Plus, I have school coming up that I need to prepare for, and meeting your mom was nice but-"

"-You don't have to tell me! She's been a handful." Malcolm interrupted. They both laughed aloud and Malcolm nodded understandingly. "I can't wait to get my gym business up and running. It's going to be great."

Desire grabbed his hands, "I'll be right there through it all!"

Then Malcolm said, "Desire I've got something to tell you-"

Suddenly, Byron announced from the inside, "Hello everyone! If we can just have y'all sitting down in the seats before the wedding gets started thank you."

Desire and Malcolm quickly made their way inside, weaving through the guests to find seats. They settled down just in time to see Byron and Alicia standing at the altar, holding the mic. Both of them were still in their regular clothes, nowhere near ready for the wedding, which seemed odd to everyone.

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