•Thirty Nine•

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•Over time•

After Malcolm and Desire's wedding, their love story went viral on the internet, capturing the hearts of many. They moved in together, and Malcolm's gym business thrived, becoming a successful venture. Desire, on the other hand, finally embarked on her college journey, eager to pursue her dreams.

Meanwhile, Alicia found support and solace with her sister, who became a pillar of strength during her pregnancy. Alicia welcomed a beautiful baby girl, whom she named Valerie, bringing immense joy into her life. Alicia got her inheritance after all with the help of her sister's lawyer. They both equally got what their mother had inherited from them and there was no illegal scam to it.

As for Byron, he took a positive step forward by entering rehab to address his issues and improve himself. With a new therapist guiding him, Byron was determined to turn his life around and make amends for the past.

As the investigation worsened, Wanda found herself facing serious charges including attempted inheritance fraud, identity theft, perjury, credit card scams, and more. The evidence against her mounted quickly, painting a picture of her illegal activities. Similarly, Brandon was charged with attempted inheritance fraud and tax evasion. PJ, too, faced charges including illegally immigrating to the United States, faking his psychology license, and involvement in the attempted inheritance fraud. The legal system of their actions was severe, and they were going to federal prison facing a lifetime sentence and felony charges.

Six months later, Byron was released from rehab, and Malcolm, Desire, and Alicia decided to throw him a surprise party to celebrate his recovery. Alicia arrived with their baby girl, Valerie, in a car seat. Malcolm and Desire welcomed them to their new townhouse, where the party was held.

Byron was the last to show and they announced SURPRISE! As he entered the room. Desire fixed him a plate of food and for the first time, Byron held Valerie. It was a sentimental moment and Byron couldn't stop adoring his child. She was the most precious baby to ever grace the plant for him. As they sat down on the couch, Byron expressed his experience to them and how he was officially cleaned. He was hoping to stay that way.

Byron sat down with a sigh, taking in the faces around him. He looked at Alicia, Malcolm, and Desire, grateful for their support.

"You know," he began, "rehab was tough. It was a long road of reflection and facing some harsh truths about myself. I realized I was using drugs to escape my problems instead of dealing with them. But with the help of the therapists and the support group, I've learned healthier coping mechanisms."

Alicia reached out and took his hand, "I'm proud of you, Byron. It takes courage to face your demons, and you've come out stronger because of it."

Malcolm and Desire nodded in agreement. Then Byron asked, "Tell me Alicia how is Washington going? And how is raising our baby girl?"

Alicia smiled softly, "Washington has been good. It's been a fresh start for both Valerie and me. Raising her on my own has its challenges, I won't lie. But with the support of my sister, it's been manageable. I found a job that I love, and coming home to Valerie's smiles and giggles makes everything worth it. No matter how many diapers I change or how many times she keeps me up at night, as long as we're together, I feel like we can conquer anything."

Byron sighed, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you both. I should have been. But I'm proud of you, Alicia. You're doing an amazing job with Valerie, and I'm grateful that you have your sister's support. You're a strong woman, and I know Valerie is blessed to have you as her mom."

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