October 21st.

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Pushing Louis back a little I waited for Miles to open his locker. "Why'd you do this?"

"Cause he's a dick. Plus his hair annoys me." He nods. "Evan is trying to make it seem like he's not there."

"I know. That's the best angle. I was waiting for Darla to hurry up and piss." Linking her arm with mine we started to make our way towards Evan. "He's not opening it."

"It's fine he will. He has to get his homework out of it." It took around two minutes for him to open it.

The glitter had drenched him and the honey had made it worse for him.

Then the feathers. "You don't think that's a lot?" Louis asks. "Louis don't be a buzzkill." Darla says. "It was funny it's just he's still got class."

"It's not finished." He slams the locker shut and I watched the vent above his head hang on its two hinges. The paint spilling all over him.

Evan was smiling. "Why beat the shit out of a guy when you can ruin his day with glitter."

Darla snickers. All of us trying hard to keep the laughter to ourselves. "That was so fun to watch. Satisfying too."

"Styles! My office! Now!" Miles glared at me so I blow him a kiss. I make my way over to him with a smile. "You go near Evan again and I promise it will not just be your ego that I break."

"All this over him? Seriously? That's pathetic Harry." I pout. "The only reason I let myself get caught is because I wanted you to know. If you go near him again I will ruin yourself life without lifting a finger. Got it?"

He smelt so bad it almost hurt me. "Styles!" He goes to speak so I hold his book over his mouth. "Don't talk to me like we're on a first name basis. It's embarrassing."

Making my way to the office I felt the glare burn through my head. "Harry this is Miles' dad, the sheriff."

"Oh my god you must be queef Thomas- chief Thomas. It's horrible to meet you." He seemed happy. "I want him out in prison."

"Why cause I called you queef? I had so many other things I could've called you, okay? So calm your tits. The only reason I did all that is because your cock ended smug little cunt of a son bullied my friend okay. Don't act like he's innocent cause he's been doing this for years and you know it to cause you encourage it."

"Maybe if your friend followed in the name of god and did as intended then he would be kinder." I've never felt so much rage in my life.

"Harry, step back." I turn to Denny, watching him signal his eyes towards the wall. "Follow in the name of god? What the fuck has Evan done that has made your dickhead if a son feel the need to stalk him? Hm?"

He pushes me back. Slapping me a little. "Your wife must love you in bed if you're slapping like that. You got nothing? No reason for the bullying?"

"He's a f-" grabbing his head I smack into the wall that Denny had signalled to.

Through the wall, sorry. "You wanna say that again? Sorry I couldn't quite hear you." Pulling him back by his hair.

"Say it again for me. He's a what? Hm?" Pulling him head back so that I can look at him I watched his face go pale.

"You are a pathetic piece of shit Thomas. I don't care who you are or what your job title is. The second you speak about anybody like they're below you I will make you feel just as fucking irrelevant. You are a low life stupid little cunt with no money and drinking problem. I'd feel bad for your kid if he wasn't such a stupid twat. You can put me wherever you feel safest but I promise once I get out you will not have a minute of peace."

Pushing him back I watched his fear turn to anger. "Hit me. Dare you, see what fucking happens."

His fist swings, hitting my cheek with his stupid fucking wedding ring.

"You wanna go again? I feel like you can do better." He swings again. Hitting my lip this time. "Good boy. Quick tip though, don't tuck your thumb. Watch."

Swinging as hard as I could I felt my ring hit his temple knocking him to the floor.

"Hm." The office door swings open. "What the fuck?" Louis laughs. "You know that technically was self defence. He can't put me away for this. You can't suspend me either cause it was harmless. I didn't touch Miles."

"You're bleeding. Louis fix it." He groans. "I don't want to." Darla pushes him forward. "I wasn't asking. Fix him."

"Denny do you have a first aid kit?" He mumbles. "I don't like that you call me in a first name basis." Louis shrugs. "Deal with it I don't know. Oi, curly let's go."

Following behind I tap Evan on the cheek. "I think you're safe now."

"Oh thanks honey." Louis grabs my shirt, dragging me away. "Hey- why?" Pushing the bathroom door open I watched them all rush out without a second glance.

Louis wasn't the most kind person you'll meet. In fact I think everybody in the school does everything in their power to stay away from him. "Why'd you enjoy the fear? I don't get it."

"Don't like people. Keeps them away from me." He pushes my shoulders, leaning me against the sink. "I just don't understand why."

"Stop talking." Turning my head towards the door he presses the wipe into my cheek.

"Fuck- ow. That's not funny." He smirks at me. "Stay still." His hand was cold. "You smell like mangos," Pulling me down a little I felt the awkward silence get worse. "This hurts."

"I know. I'm almost done just stay still for me." Wiping over my cheek he does whatever it was he needs to do. "There you go. I need you to not talk while I do this okay."

"I can't just let it bleed?" His jaw clenched. "I need you to stay still. Please."

Wiping over my lip I watched his frown deepen, trying desperately not to smile at it. "He didn't punch you very hard did he." My heart was racing. "He punches like a baby."

"His ring did most of the damage." He smirks through a laugh. "Yeah."

Winter Sun- Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now