November 21st.

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"Louis you wanna explain?" Evan runs his finger up Louis' back. "Explain what?"

"There's little- not so little, scratches on your back. I saw it when you were getting changed in pe." Louis glares at him. "I have scratches, what's the big deal?"

"Those are sex scratches." I was just sat here. Awkwardly looking around hoping he'd just drop it. "Mhm, what's your point?"

"Who the fuck are you having sex with and is she aware of her marks?" He shrugs. "Louis you are scratched to shit."

"Maybe she got happy." He shrugs. "Maybe? Dude your entire back is red."

"Mhm. I'm aware." Evan turns to me. "Are you aware of this?"

"I have my own changing room." He tuts. "No I mean him having sex with a random girl that none of us have met- your mascara is gonna go in your eye."

He pulls my eye down, almost poking me in the eye. "Do you know who she is?"

"Why would Louis ever tell me who he's having sex with?" He purses his lips. "Good point. So what's she like?" I'd half expected him to shit talk me with no consequences.

But he just started making up some girl he had in his head.

He didn't even like girls.

"Pretty." He mumbled. "Really? Are you actually talking about her? Like is this actually happening? What else? Tell me about her. What's she like? What does she like?"

"I'm not sure, pretty, her eyes are my favourite, kind of delicate in a way, I don't know uh- she likes glitter. Has this weird obsession with a certain shade of lipstick that stains, she likes flowers but won't admit it and refuses to let me buy them. She likes to paint my nails too."

"Can I meet her?" Louis cackles. "No. Never." This bread fucking tastes weird. I think I had it in my pocket too long.

"Clearly you like her. I mean you said you were just having sex the other week, this is the same girl?" He nods. "So then you like her. Nobody remembers that much stuff about a person they don't like."

"I know that Harry likes bread." He tuts. "Everybody knows that Harry likes bread. It's all he eats. Fine if I can't meet her then tell me what she looks like, her room. I like knowing about a good bedroom, I feel like she has a good bedroom."

I guess it's not too bad, it's getting better the more I eat it. Maybe it's just the outside that tastes bad.

"She's, warm, glittery, soft? Her hair is pretty, her lips are really soft. Like i said, her eyes are really pretty. Her room is dark, she's got this pile of knitted jumpers just piled in the corner, drawings everywhere, her rooms a mess but she refuses to clean it-" he stops mid sentence.

"Where the fuck did you get the bread from?" Louis scolds. "My pocket."

"You- Harry I'm sick of telling you to stop doing that. You're gonna get ants. This is ridiculous." He stands up, charging over to raid my pockets. "No! No not again!"

I flail around like a fish out of water. "Stop putting bread in your pockets!"

He grabs my jacket. "Get off! It's mine!" His hand rummaged through my pocket. "Harry I've told you to stop it's not funny."

"Louis!" Biting his arm watching him not even flinch I felt his hand clench my arm. "Don't do that-" he stumbles back, holding the bread in his hands. "I've told you to stop."

*one school day and a nap later*

"You toon my bread." I grumbled. "Sorry baby, you can't keep bread in your pocket."

He pulls me onto his lap, brushing the hair out of my face. "You took my bread away from me." He kisses my nose. "Sorry my love. I'll make you more."

"When you were telling Evan about the girl you're sleeping with, where'd you get all the information from?" I asked, picking at his shirt. "You were sat in front of me. Wasn't the hardest thing to speak about."

"What?" His eyes shift around the room. "You were sat facing to me. I just said what hi saw knowing he wouldn't out two and two together," he huffs. "You're so pretty."

He squashes my face into his hands kissing me. "You were talking about me?" He smiles. "I don't know who else is glittery with lipstick that stains." My lipstick doesn't stain.

"It doesn't even stain you just don't know how to wash your clothes- you called me pretty. More than once." He gasps. "You're kidding? No way."

"I thought you were talking about a girl you wanted or something." He rests his hands in my thighs. "You're my girl," Both of us laughing, kissing me softly making my heart melt.

That seemed to be where my thoughts clicked together and I'd figured out that this was not going to end well for either of us.

I nod, my heart racing down to my stomach as I try to find a way to talk about it. "What's wrong?" What if he doesn't want to kiss me if I tell him? "Nothing."

I step off his lap, fighting back the tears. "I don't think I can do this." I said quickly. "Do what?" He stands up. "Do this. I don't think I can- do whatever we're doing."

"Wh- I don't understand. What happened?" If I break up with him now then it hurts less, I guess. "Nothing I just can't do it."

I didn't want him to leave hating me when he figures it out.

I needed closure. "Harry I don't get it. I don't know what I've done." My heart broke. "I just don't think I want to be with you like this."

"Do you need space? I can give you space. I can go for a while and we can talk about it after." My nail was bleeding. "I don't want to talk about it. I just don't want to do this."

He likes guys, I wasn't sure I could give him that completely.

He deserves to at least have one thing to right for him. "I'll give you time to figure everything out." He kisses my cheek.

Walking out towards the door. "Call me if you get lost." He whispered, I kept my back facing the door. Trying to stop my nail from bleeding.

The second the door closed my heart stopped and my tears started.

I didn't want to hold him back from what he had taken away from him and i wasn't sure I could pretend to be exactly what he needed.

So I just had to let him go and let him find someone else.

Winter Sun- Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now