October 29th.

2 0 0

Yes there will be spelling mistakes. And you can suck all of my balls if you comment on it because who cares?

She will be apples. Guaranteed.

"What's up with you? Why are you so quiet?" Evan stops in front of me. "No reason. Got nothing on my mind."

"Mhm. Really?" He nudged Darla over. "He said he's got nothing on his mind."

"You're kidding? There's no way. You've always got something to say. Especially in a silent place. What is wrong? Did somebody say something to you?"

"No I'm fine i just don't have anything to say." Then he brought Louis over. "This little goober said he's got nothing on his mind."

"Cause he doesn't have a fucking brain. Little peewee." Louis sits down at the library table in the seat next to mine. Darla refuses to sit next to Louis and Evan refuses not to sit next to Darla. So I'm stuck with him.

"Darla why don't always go for the corner of the library. I feel like we're all about to get shot or something." Louis mumbled. "I like to hide you guys from the world. It's fun."

"It's weird." Darla looks over at me like I'd done something. "What?"

"Why's he all moody?"

"Cause he's a little bitch-"

Louis kicks my shin. "Ow, why?" Tilting her head I started to question what it was that I'd done or said. "What?"

"You're always the reason for this but you always have a reason. So what is it this time?" I turn to Louis. Leaning on his work. "Why the long face, kitten?"

I could see the dimple. "It has been confirmed, Louis Tomlinson enjoys being called kitten."

I drop my head back looking over at them both. "I'd imagined he liked something weird. Now we know." Looking back at Louis I felt my heart skip a little. "Are you mad at me?"

"Yes." I pout a little. "Really?" He nods. "You are an asshole and you know why. You know what you did."

"What did you do?" Louis pushes my head down. "Said my bread was 'less than average'."

I kiss his wrist feeling my cheek squash into the table. "Your bread is good. It's the only good bread in America. Besides the bakery near the edge of town but it's creepy."

"I do try- would you quit biting me, it's gross." Leaning his chest on my head I tried to get out but I'd found it a little funny. "He's satans spawn."

"You are satans spawn. He is just Harry." Resting my hand on his though I slowly work my way up, his heart beating faster as I inched closer. "Louis I can't breathe."

"Good. It's entertaining." I did give in eventually. It can't do any harm if I just lay here. Unless I fall asleep. That would be awkward.

He pushes my hand down towards his knee, rambling on about the work that Darla was having trouble figuring out.

He barely even moved. I don't think he cared so much about where my hand was, I think he just wanted to hold it. "Is he dead?"

"No I think he's biting me." I was. It was a nice pass time. "And you're just letting it happen? You're not going to end the world or anything? You're just gonna let him act like this?"

"It's this or I have him nagging my ear off." I was falling asleep. I've never just fallen asleep before. I was kidding about it earlier.

But now I think it might actually happen.

I don't think I've ever been able to sleep this peacefully before.

If Nina saw me now she'd freak.

*a couple hours and a nap later*

"You drooled on me earlier by the way. I'm still pretty pissed about it." Now he didn't like the awkward silence either. "Sorry."

I hated the silence. It wasn't awkward it was just silence. "Are we going to talk about it or are we just ignoring it?" He shrugged.

"You kissed me this is your thing." That little shred of hope I had was crushed. "Yeah."

"I mean it's not like you cared enough to stay and I didn't go after you so, you know. And I don't- necessarily like you like that you're just not really my type. I don't in know if I could really, do that."

"Just say you didn't like it. No point lying and coming up with shit excuses. You don't like me you didn't want me to kiss you. Simple as."

"So then can I go home now?" I stick my thumbs up. Turning away, Evan waiting by the gate for me. "Bye Harry."

"Call me if you get lost." He said quietly.

Evan stands on the ball of his feet with a massive grin. "What was that?"

"Nothing good." He huffs. "It didn't go well? I wanted it to go well."

"He doesn't like me. Simple as that. Where are we going?" He points towards the florist. "I need to get Darla new flowers. Her old ones are dying."

"Speaking of what it to go well, what did she say to the date?" His shoulders slump. "I chickened out."

"You little bitch. Seriously?" The woman behind the desk looks over at me with a scowl. "Hi Susan. Can I just get the same as I got last time please."

"Sure thing honey. I think I pre-made some for you." She walks away looking not so cheery to be near me. "What did I do?"

"Not a clue." She places them down. Shaking her head at me. "You should be ashamed to be walking around like that." It was at that moment that I'd realised.

I still had mascara on from yesterday. "Mhm." I mumbled. "What do your parents think? Hm? I bet they're really disappointed."

"My parents are dead." I said with a blank expression.

It was pretty awkward after that.

I mean I just lied to her face but she was being a bitch and it shuts people up.

"Your parents aren't dead dude." I shake my head. "It's the first thing I say when I feel like I'm about to get hate crimed."

"And it works?" His eyes wide as anything. "Not all the time. This one guys said he'd kill himself too if he were my dad. It was kinda awkward cause my teacher was stood behind me so, you know."

"Why would anybody say that?" If only I knew. "People are strange." I sighed. "Very."

Winter Sun- Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now