November 16th.

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"Come on you can't be mad at me. I hardly even drank anything. I'll be sober in a minute." His tolerance is high which means he'll end up just drinking more and more.

I wasn't excited for it. "Don't you think that maybe you should see a therapist."

"What?" My back meets the wall. "Nothing doesn't matter." He smelt clean this time. I thought that maybe he wasn't lying but I didn't trust it. "You sure?"

"Yeah." His hands pressed to my hips as he kissed me. His hood still up just incase somebody saw us. I doubt they would. But he wasn't taking chances. "I missed you." He's drunk.

And angrier. "Who the fuck was that?" I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Don't fucking lie to me Harry." He pulls my hips into his. "I'm serious, I don't know who it was." His eyes were bloodshot. "You were gonna go with him though?"

"No I was waiting for you." He didn't believe me. "Harry stop lying."

"I'm not. I was waiting for you, I didn't- I don't want to go with him." He kisses my cheek.

"Okay," his hand presses against my jeans. "You're mine, you're know that right?" He smiles against my neck. "Of course you do. Look at you."

I could feel myself getting harder. "All fucking mine, aren't you baby." He kisses me gently.

"I want to hear you say it." He whispered against my lips. "I'm yours." He presses his nose on mine. "I know."

His fingers pressed into my sides. "All fucking mine." My legs were about to give in. "Louis I can do this here."

"I can feel you about to cum don't make me stop now that's just mean." He pushes his hands down my pants circling his finger over my tip. "I don't want to go back home. Louis please- fuck."

"I have spares in my car from last time. There we go, oh you're doing so good baby. Look at you, so fucking pretty." I was loosing my breath. "Louis- fuck- fuck I can't- not here."

"You're doing so good. Look at me," I could barely keep my eyes open. "So pretty."

My head went blank and my entire body went limp. "Might make you sit with it all night." I shake my head. "Please don't, please."

"Mine. Got it?" I nod, watching him clean his fingers with his mouth. "My pretty girl." Fuck.

He hands me the keys walking away like nothing happened.

I hated the changing rooms here, they smell awful and they're so small I can barely move. I've never gotten changed so fast in my life.

"Harry.. where'd you go?" Darla asks. "Spilt my drink I had to change."

"Hm, seems like something you'd do. Louis is over there on his own if you need him. He said you need him. I think."

"Cool, okay. Thank you— please be careful. Stay with Evan." She sticks her thumbs up.

"Will do." Making my way over to where I was before I move to the side a little, he was a little hidden behind everything, which is probably what he wanted.

"Why are you here if you don't want to be here?" I sit beside him, feeling his leg rest on mine. "Wanted to come see you."

"Oh." He shrugs. "I'm not drunk by the way." He says quietly. "Hm?"

"I said I was a little drunk, I didn't drink anything. My dad came back for something before he left again, he was drunk and I wasn't, I never really realised how alike we were until I watched it happen."

"You haven't drank anything?" I asked, the small smile on my face was obvious. "No."

"That's good, you don't seem happy. What's wrong?" He stares down at his hands. "I'm happy, I wasn't really sure why I'd started, it just sort of happened but I just, I'm scared I'm going to hurt you."

"No you can't let that be your main worry Louis. I'm proud of you. Seriously." He sniffles. "What if I fuck it up? What if I tell Nina and then fuck it up? I can't let her down and you at the same time."

"My love I promise you there's not a single part of her that would ever blame you for anything. Not like this. You're safe speaking to her, she understands more than anybody I promise."

"Why are you so nice? I don't understand how you did it. I hate you for it. I hate that you can just- be this nice despite your fucking parents ruining your life."

"People react differently to certain situations, every reaction is valid, nobody who knows you hates you for the way you act. You need to let people take care of you."

He wipes under his eyes but it didn't do anything. "My mum won't talk to me anymore." He choked out. "What? You said-"

"I know, it's just easier than telling people that I fucked up. She hasn't spoke to me in three years and I call her everyday because of her fucking voicemail but she never picks up so I'm stuck listening to this old version of her that I hurt instead of trying to fix it with her now."

"Can I do anything?" I wasn't sure how much help I'd be. "Do you want to speak to Nina?"

"Yeah." He cries out. "Okay, okay come on I'll drive us back." I couldn't hold him or do anything I felt fucking useless. "Hi.."

"Hi pretty girl, you okay?" She nods slowly. "Mhm. Are you guys leaving? We're gonna go get food."

"Yeah I have shit I have to do and he won't stay on his own so we're gonna go. Text me once you've done and if you need anything okay."

"Okay.." I kiss her cheek walking with Louis hoping nobody gets in the way.

"Just keep your head down and we should be fine." He walks towards the passengers side, stopping for a second. "You're the only person I've ever let in my car you know."

"Why?" He stands in silence for a second. "I don't really want anybody else in my car."

The drive back was quiet, I tried my hardest to keep my mouth shut just to let him calm down.

He was sober at a party with hundreds of people, there wasn't a chance he would've been okay. "I'm sorry for hurting you."

"Louis just try see if you can sleep okay. We've got a while before we get back."

Winter Sun- Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now