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The vase shattered against the wall falling into a bunch of broken pieces.

"Please, Please can you please stop throwing things. Just cool down please."

"Cool down?! That woman was crawling all over you, and yet you still have the gutts to ask me to cool down?"

"We were hugging, for God's sake. And, as a matter of fact, it was she who was hugging me. Not the other way 'round. As a person who was mentally breaking down, she needed it. She is my friend.'

"Friend? Yeah, right. Because friends linger on each other's bodies. They do find ways to touch you like the whores that they are."

"Shut up! Seriously, just shut up! How dare you say that? You have absolutely no rights to ever fucking call someone a whore. I should've seen this coming. You can never respect a relationship, no wonder why you don't have any."

At that moment, he knew he messed up. He bit his tongue, silently cursing himself for letting his mouth run away like that. The last one hour was spent arguing, and he was more than sick of it. But that was an extremely unfair hit below the belt. The hurt was evident in her now tear-filled eyes, and he knew he couldn't take it back. Like the broken vase on the floor, it was clear that her heart too, was shattered. He surged forward, trying to gain back what has been lost in vain.

"Shit! Please  dont listen to me. You know I didn't mean it. I hate calling names, I..... I wasn't thinking and I was angry a-and.... W-we can... n-no please don't go,...Where are you going? Listen to me, please...

She left without turning back. He thought she was just angry, he thought she would cool down.

"She'll be fine, she just needs to cool off...right?" his own words sounded hollow to himself. He clinged on to that one piece of hope.

He waited. The night came with all the silence as he waited, peeping over his phone and stopping the urge to break into her quarter's, he waited some more. "She just needs to cool off...right?" He said to himself.

He waited for the day. He waited in vain, he soon realised. By the end of the day does he come to know that she's gone, forever this time. He investigates, and finds out she left that morning. Clearly , it's too late to follow her.

He tried her number over and over again, refusing to accept that she blocked him....

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