Chapter 10

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He drew a deep breath sucking her lips. She always smells fruity. He likes the citrus and rose candle scent she burns in her bedroom.

He went down and placed a little bite on her left nipple before sucking them. Her breasts were melting in his mouth. With every bite of his, she was drawing a deep breath. She was like a temptation to him. He can never resist her in bed. Many times, he had found himself drooling on her during work hours. But he was too arrogant to accept that in front of her.

He went up to her lips again. She let out a small cry that was muffled by his mouth when he was pinching her nipples. Slowly he moved his fingers towards her sensitive spot. He entered his fingers inside her and started thrusting them in. Within a few moments she was about to come for him when he denied her outcome. He started kissing her belly button, sucking and nibbling them. She clenched her hands on his shoulders and soon he entered her with a powerful thurst. He knew that she likes him dominating her and he did it completely. He kissed her lips as if he owned them. She hugged her tightly as she came down to a heavy orgasm. As his pleasure was ripping him inside, he also came down on her next moment. He was kissing the crook of her neck when he found she was murmuring something. He knew she was exhausted but he wanted more. As he brought his ears near to listen to her, he found she was murmuring, "Don't leave me, tonight, Sir. Stay with me please. I want to sleep in your arms."

"Hmm", is all he hummed.

She again mumbled, "I want to wake up in your arms"....

"Don't ask for too much Jaan.. One baby step at one time".

She didn't reply, but hugged her tightly.

After he was done with her, he went to the washroom. It was 1am at night, too late for a shower. But he wanted this hot shower, so that he could leave. He knew, he wanted to stay here, in her arms. He wanted to kiss those lips as she woke up. But he can't risk it. There is too much in stake, at least for him. His career, his dreams. He was broken very badly a long time ago. Teenage love. But the scar is still very much alive in him. He can't go for a family with his scars right now.

He came out of the shower and looked towards her. She was having a smile on her face while sleeping also. He, somewhere in the corner of his heart had this feeling that she was his solace, his peace of mind. He kissed her forehead once before leaving, "soon dear, soon a day, I will be with you forever. I just need some time."

He left her sleeping. He knew, tomorrow there will be some sadness in her eyes, but she will not question him. He will make it up soon.....


The bus jerked heavily against the steep roads, causing Krishna to bump his head against the seat in front of him.

"Ouch", he let out a small cry.

Some teachers looked towards him with pity and care in their eyes and some came approached him kindly.

"You got hurt, sir. Let me check." said Sanaya, the counsellor.

"I am fine, please leave," Krishna replied.

"But Sir...." Sanaya wanted to say something.

"Leave", he huffed, rather like a child.

His looked up at Urna, who couldn't hide the concern in her eyes. He wanted her to come up to him, but as soon as she caught his eye,she turned her face and looked out the window.

The medical officer smiled sympathetically."Krishna Sir, please let me have a look".

"I'm alright, ma'am. It's just a small bump. No need for such a fuss- Ouch, why are you pressing it? It hurts".

Rubi, the nurse, reached into her case and pulled out a tube. She applied some ointment over the small bump on his forehead now, and smiled- "I see. It will go away soon".

The bus reached school by evening.

Vidhi Ma'am had made it clear that all the employees were to be left at their place of their choice near their home. She also reassured them the male teachers would drop the female teachers to their home after they got off the bus.

The clock struck 8:00 once everyone was in the safety and comfort of their own home. Being a bit late, with no time to cook, it rendered them with a good idea : ordering in. .

Urna excluded herself from the list. When Bhairav questioned her choice, she replied quite coyly. "I would rather have some home made chicken and rice." Bhairav smiled broadly, teasing her gently, "I can also be happy with your chicken curry and rice".

Urna smiled back. 'You are welcome sir, but it will be very plain. If you want, you can join me, no problem."

Krishna chimed in, before Bhairav could speak, " That sounds good. Let's be at your place in about an hour?. You don't have to be in a hurry, we will wait. Or, better we can help in cooking, say what, Bhairav ?"

Bhairav, although stunned with Krishna's self invitation, still played along.

To say yes was Urna's only option. She knew Krishna would force her into such situations, and she didn't want chaos now.


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