Chapter 8

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Warmth enveloped her figure; as a jacket covered her. A voice overflowing with an almost challenging kind of sound washed over her as well, the atmosphere causing a prickling sensation on her skin.

"It's rather chilly, don't you think? Not the best option to stand here, you'll fall sick. Plus, Its dark and there are snakes around here."

Her head snapped to the direction from which this hypnotizing voice was flowing from. The tone is still as commanding as always, was her first thought..

"I am more venomous than them," she spat out, vengeance lacing her tone.

As the man came closer his soft,warm breath tickled her nose. Surprisingly, and embarrassingly so, she began to feel just a bit intoxicated. He never changed his perfume, she thought once more.

"Are you....." he began, as she raised a questioning eyebrow towards him. "Angry? Still?" he smiled nervously.

Ignoring his hopeful gaze, she began to make her way to leave. Attempting to drag her closer, he tried to get a grasp of her elbow, only for his hand to be slapped away..

"Don't ignore me!"

"Don't touch me!"

The booming voices echoed in the silence of the hills, left for the darkness to play with. Although she growled in anger, the plea in his voice didn't miss her ears. But this time she is not going to be fooled easily, she reminds herself. This time she is determined, she will not break.

"I can sense your love, Urna. I can read your eyes. Your heart is calling out to me".

The moment the words left his lips, silence took place. Only for a moment, though. Laughter filled her lungs, her chest heaving in amusement, as tears slipped down because of her chuckles.

"Love you, Mr. Art HOD?" She bent down clutching her stomach, her booming laughter filling any gaps in her speech, "Goodness, you should be a comedian....and a manipulative villain." She snarled, all signs of amusement erased from her features. "Who do you think you are? Some Prince Charming to swoop any girl off her feet to take her to your magical palace? A wise person once told me- love is like a council of equals. You are a Co-ordinator, I am an EA, that makes me MA'AM to you, Mister. Keep your distance."

Her voice echoed in the darkness, as she strode into the abyss.

Standing, left alone, was a hurt and affected Krishna. The damage was done, and he knew it was his fault. Her voice almost gave away the yearning of the shattered remains of her once happy heart, which she has carefully camouflaged in her strong and bold tone. This time she will not follow him around with heart-eyes. She would not reveal her sweet, bubbly self. A memory flashed in front of his eyes, causing tears to prick the corners of his eyes.

"I turn into a love-struck puppy in front of you, Krishna. Never break me, please". There was a plea in her voice.

"What do you mean? You will be the Hutch Dog? Wherever you go, our network follows." He laughed merrily.

He could almost feel the memory washing over him, enveloping him in the once comfortable blanket he called home. He opened his eyes once more, disappointed but not shocked to feel cold, standing there alone. He was embarrassed. Ashamed. "Is it too late?" He thought. He always teaches his students that everything is mendable, you just have to have the presence of mind. Now he is questioning his own intelligence, can he mend her heart, will she ever give him the option to mend it?

Suddenly he remembered, Urna used to say- "There is always a tomorrow. What is spilled today, can still be gathered." Being a great fan of Harry Potter, she loved to quote- "Happiness can be found in the darkest hour, only if you remember to switch on the light."

Krishna is determined to find the switch of said light. He may have lost her before,, but this time, he shall win her back. She is all his, to fix, to mend, to pamper, to love. He took love away from her, and now he shall bring the love back to her.


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