Chapter 12

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"Do you whisper, Love quotes in ears"?, asked Bhairav, taking a sip of the rum served by the waiter.

Krishna raised his eyes in question towards Bhairav.

"I noticed her shivering when you hugged her good night after me. Also you were hugging her as if you had been pasted to her".

"Why don't you join CID? You are fit for them", answered Krishna

Bhairav silently sipped his drink, waiting for Krishna to open up.

After a long silence, Krishna spoke,

"I loved her, she also used to love me too. I know she still loves me, but like a coconut, she has hardened herself from outside. It's all my fault. I broke her into pieces."

"Details, Krishna." said Bhairav.

Drawing a breadth Krishna said......

"Before coming here, I was in Rare Planet International Academy, Hyderabad. I met Urna there. She was a teacher for pre-primary-2 and she had a lot of interest in arts.......

Krishna went back into the past......

Krishna's POV

It was the Annual Day Programme and both of my Visual Art Team and Performing Art team were extremely busy. Performing arts were busy training themselves in music, arts, drama etc, whereas the Visual Arts were busy in decorations. Hundreds of decorations, prop materials were to be made, and we were welcoming all extra help we could get. One day I saw a girl roaming around. Her honey dipped eyes were admiring the stuff that was made by me. She was viewing other art pieces also, but not like she was admiring my works.

"Like what you see", I came forward and asked the girl, "There is no college nearby! Who are you?"

"Oh, sorry sir. I didn't notice you. I am Urna, Urna Mukherjee. I am a teacher in Pre-Primary 2."

Teacher? You look like a college girl. How old are you?"

"You are weird.. Who asks a girl's age when they first meet?"

"Ok, so you want to meet me more"?, I asked her, smirking. I liked the way her small forehead frowned showing her irritation

"Sir, I am sorry if I have given any wrong impression. HOS ma'am asked me to help with the decorations and props, so I came here. I am leaving"

"Here people go out with my permission", I said, blocking the way.

She raised her eyes in defiance. But suddenly, it seemed that she understood my prank.Relaxing her forehead, she said, "What work do I have to do"?

"Depends on what you are good at...." I said again. I was astonished by myself. When did I start throwing such comments?

"Sir, please tell me which of the works are pending, so that I can choose accordingly." Urna said, "if you want my help", she added. It seemed she was getting angry at my attitude.

"I am Krishna, Krishna Vishwaroopam. I am the Art- HOD here. Are you angry?"

" No sir, it's ok. Please show me the work".

"Can you work with woods, ply's, mdf's?" I asked.

"I would love to work with them, if I am shown once"

I smiled at her selection of words. She is intelligent. HOS had already informed me about her. I was checking her in my way. Smiling, I guided her inside.

Urna was a fast learner. As she presented her work in the Annual Programme, I was highly impressed. It seemed that she had some strong basic knowledge on arts. Soon, I started spending more time with her, teaching her other arts like clay crafting, pottery etc.

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