Chapter 6

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Sports day was a huge success. Along with Bhairav and his team, Urna was also the centre of cheers. In this time, she has built up a good relationship with the residential students in the school and unwillingly she has become the role model for them. The young ones looked for pampering from her whereas the seniors looked at her as a friend and guide. She has spent time speaking with them regarding their vision for life, their dreams, their requirements and problems in school or in home etc. Some of the facts she has also discussed with HOS trying to bring a change in their daily life. Sometimes the students have to feel comfortable enough to discuss their private life. She has successfully entered their comfort zone. She tease them, laughs with them and also steers them towards the direction she feels right.

By the end of the event she was monitoring the cleaning of the sports arenas with Bhairav, suddenly a boy of class 5 came running to her and handed her a piece of paper. She asked the boy, "Baby, what's this?" The boy whispered in her ears, "Love Letter, one class 7 dada was giving to a class 7 didi, it flew from their hand. I caught it. I didn't do anything." She laughed her heart out, after sending the boy back and opened the letter to read,-

Dear ****

I want to tell you that I love you very much. I don't want to force you but I would be glad to know your feelings for me.

If you don't mind, we may meet tomorrow in the chemistry lab after lunch. Its a Dear Time then and what will be the other uses of this period if not spending it with my "Dear" one?

I want to know you very nicely and if things go well between us I would like to take you for a date.

Waiting for your answer

Yours forever


Urna and Bhairav were laughing hysterically as they read this letter. Bhairav was shocked to understand that these children belong to class 7. Urna being conservative in nature, for her love at class 7 was like somebody has opened up the soda bottle of laughter. They sat on the ground laughing.

Krishna was along with Malhar, the Music teacher on the other side of the ground. Although he was speaking with Malhar on editing one of his music videos, his eyes were following Urna and Bhairav. As he saw them sitting on the ground laughing, he couldn't stop himself from walking towards them.

"Hey guys, what's the fun." Krishna asked Bhairav, eyeing Urna alongside.

Bhairav blasted into once more laughter and showed the letter to Krishna. Reading the letter, Malhar also started laughing. Although laughter was bubbling inside Krishna, he still thought of teasing Urna.

"What's the joke in this"? He said, blinking an eye towards Bhairav and Malhar.

Urna said unknowingly of Krishna's trick, "Joke? The full thing is a joke. They say Love, what do they know about love? They say forever, how much they know about forever? Love is not a plate of chaat, to be handled by these children. Love has destroyed many people and these birds haven't come out of the eggs properly and they speak of Love?"

Seeing Urna's outburst, the men became uncomfortable. Bhairav and Malhar tried to cool her down when Krishna looked at her with a lot of guilt and shame. Bhairav has noticed the looks of Krishna whenever he and Urna have an encounter and he is getting questions in his heart with Krishna's changes of emotions in his eyes and Urna's don't care attitude. He was well versed with Krishna's Don't Care attitude but this Krishna, he doesn't know. He is feeling a lot of distance between him and his best friend.


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