Chapter 15

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"Spot, stop pacing and sit down," Mush pleads, "We're just as nervous as you are, and your pacing isn't helping at all."

"I just want to see Race. First, he was kidnapped and then saved, but I still haven't seen him. Is it too much to ask to see my freaking boyfriend," Spot expressed as he continued to pace nervously in front of his friends in the commons of the school. They were sat across from the main door, hoping to catch Race entering the school. They had seen much of their school's population, but there was no sign of the one person they sought.

"Are you talking about Anthony?" A taller student with glasses said, stopping as he was walking by.

"Have you seen him? We've been waiting for him to come in all morning, but classes are supposed to start soon, and we still haven't seen him," Spot asked worriedly.

"Oh, he arrived with Miss Medda and Crutchie over thirty minutes ago. They entered through the back door into the choir room like always, as Miss Medda is the choir teacher and has a key. Oh, and the name is David," David says before hurrying to his class.

"Then we won't catch him this morning then. Our next change will be during the passing period, and if not, then at lunch," Jack said, standing up. The group split up, going to their classes, none of which were shared with Race. In between courses, they were always on the watch for the bound of curly hair but never found it. They didn't know whether Race was intentionally avoiding them or they just hadn't happened to cross paths during the day.

It was at lunchtime that Spot finally lost it. It was ten minutes into the time, but no one had seen Race or his new stepbrother on the crutches. They did find the David fellow who had talked to them that morning.

"I know you know something. Where the hell is he," Spot said, stalking across the cafeteria to David, weaving through the tables filled with other students.

"I am so sorry about him," Jack said, pulling Spot back before he could become physical with David.

"Oh no, it is fine. Have you not found Anthony yet?" David asked, setting his silverware down on his tray.

"No, I haven't. That's why I'm asking you because you are the only one who seems to have any idea of where the hell my boyfriend is," Spot commented, running his fingers through his hair.

"Are you sure he's even your boyfriend at this point?" David joked.

"Maybe I would find out if I could find him," Spot taunted.

"Crutchie usually eats lunch in Miss Medda's office as she has a microwave and mini fridge. So, I would guess that Anthony is eating in there with them. Now, if you would excuse me, I would like to finish eating before my next class," David said, returning to his plate.

Spot made his way back across the cafeteria, with Jack following. "Alright, who wants to go and find Race with me? That David fellow things he might be in Miss Medda's office." All of the hands at the table shot up instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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